People need to look at a much bigger picture. Syria was a shock because the events occurred so rapidly after years of stagnate movement. All of these antics are leading up to forming USCENTCOM territory as a governate in the NWO. I've said in my recent substack that Israel will likely be the administrator. Notice how the U.S. tries, now, to "hide" in the background and place Israel front and center. Israel's defense is always that they must do whatever actions they've doing for "self-defense." Brilliant Ashkenazi aka Khazar thinking! They assume identities. Here they assume the identity of the beleaguered underdog in the ME, but in truth, with endless U.S. weaponry and money, they militarily rule and vanquish as they like in the ME. Who else has been bombing other countries with impunity for years? No one except Israel. They're no "underdog" in any truthful perception, but people are so effectively brainwashed that some believe all this tripe and nonsense.

I agree with your assessment of Assad. I think he saw a no-win for Syria and himself long ago. I'm glad his family and he are out.

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Hi Richard.

Here's a recent video on the Chris Hedges Report named, 'The Fall of Assad and what it means for the Mid East.'

The highly knowledgeable guest is Alastair Crooke who's a fomer british diplomat who has already met and spoken to Bachar Al Assad and who both greatly understands geopolitics and Middle-East Affairs.

He's also a regular guest on the Judge Napolitano You Tube channel.


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Thanks. Yes, I watch AC regularly.

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This fits with much of what I have read.

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Is it really useful, at this point, Mr.Cook, so early in our understanding of these events, to assign blame?

Are you now wanting to help demonize China?

China failed to rescue Syria? Hmm.. Was it somehow China's obligation to do so? Was China capable of doing so? Had China violated the sanctions, what consequences, for the Chinese people, or in general, would have ensued?

Every nation must take care of its OWN people first. That is every nation's FIRST responsibility. No other nation stepped forward to rescue Syria. Why should China be singled out for blame?

What would it have cost the Chinese people if their government had stepped in to rescue Syria? What level of risk to its own people would China have taken on had the Chinese government defied the sanctions by stepping in to rescue Syria?

Does Mr. Cook have any "on the ground confidential sources" in China? Does he pretend to understand the Chinese point of view concerning what may have motivated their reticence to invest in Syria?

For all the over 900 days of the "siege of Syria", longer than that of Stalingrad, (as Mr. Cook so dramatically informs us), I personally was never even aware that such a 'siege' was taking place. I've been reading Mr. Cook's writing for several years now. I don't recall him EVER writing about this terrible deadly siege, or even mentioning it.

Maybe he campaigned courageously against it, and somehow I just never noticed him doing so?

I'm to blame.. Blame ME... I will accept my FULL share of the blame, for not being better informed. But I cannot point the finger of blame at China knowing as little as I do about their position, about their 'point of view'.

And I remember the lessons that one old guy taught. "See not the splinter in thy neighbor's eye. Rather see the 'log' in thine own".. Some of us give lip service to the depth of our spiritual commitments. Others among us give considerably more.

The 'blame game' is a game of pointing accusing fingers. When you point at others, others tend to point as well. It's contagious... Pretty soon everybody is pointing the finger of blame at somebody. And there is nothing more damaging to the morale of any possibility of 'alliance' than this kind of uninformed finger pointing...

Such finger pointing now, when we know so little, only serves the interests of our adversaries.

Blame ME... I accept my share of the blame. I was not informed. Mr Cook certainly never informed me. Should I blame him?

NO... It was NOT his responsibility to inform me... It was MY responsibility to inform myself.

I am to blame... Blame ME...

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Syria was a powder keg waiting to explode since 1970. Hafaz al Assad (the father of Bashar) led a Ba'ath Party military coup against the government. He was a brutal dictator... thousands murdered or imprisoned under horrendous circumstances. The Assad family are Alawite ... a subsect of Shia. The vast majority of Syrians are Sunni Arabs. So a minority religous group ran a brutal dictatorship for decades against the majority. Payback was guaranteed one day. That day is now. Throw in Kurds in the north, American troops illegally occupying oil rich Idlib & stealing the oil, Turqiye occupying Kurdish northern Syria, ISIS rebounded looking for revenge & Israel occupying Golan. And they all hate each other's guts. KABOOM. China was unbelievably smart staying a million miles away from this mess. Russia & Iran tried to help as a counter to Israel/American hegemonic chaos, but wisely pulled out. Let America with Erdogan & Netanyahu control the psycho blowback. They are in bed with a nest of vipers. I believe that Russia along with China & Iran will be only too happy to watch the ungovernable chaos & hatred suck out the smiles (& the money) of the unholy trinity of Israel, USA & turkey.

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"The NATO-Turkey-Israel-backed terrorists" sounds like antisemitism, is it not?

The Russians who were recruited by the Wehrmacht were not fighting against Russia they were fighting against Stalin. If Hitler hadn't put a stop to this recruitment because of Nazi purity BS they would have recruited thousands more. Because most Russians hated Stalin. As a result that hatred was turned against the Nazis and it cost them.

YVH Elohim controls history

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When they said Syrians had corruption I doubt it was “racist”(fake govt. word)I have someone Moroccan in my family. He told me he was shocked the first time a police officer stopped him in the US. Anytime he was ever stopped in Morocco they asked for a bribe. He couldn’t believe they didn’t do that here. It has never happened to him here. It never didn’t happen in Morocco. It’s a whole different culture and economy. It’s more “racist“ to assume they are exactly like us.

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