I have received the following urgent update from my confidential on-the-ground correspondent in Syria:
Syria: Guns and Butter
Syria fell because the livelihood of the population was destroyed due to US occupation of energy resources and grain fields, which was compounded by the “Caesars” sanctions. Damascus had one hour of electricity per day, a soldier's monthly salary was $7, and a general's $40, way below subsistence levels.
The situation was worse than the siege of Leningrad, where some supplies, albeit insufficient, could come via Lake Ladoga. The siege of Syria lasted longer than the 900 days of Leningrad.
Syria tried to have China invest in productive projects, but nothing came of it, because China was afraid of breaking the sanctions.
Syria then decided to mend relations with the Gulf Oil monarchies, seeking investments. This was prevented by the US.
The Syrian government had enough guns but not enough butter. The situation was unsustainable, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
When the NATO-Turkey-Israel-backed terrorists started the most recent attacks, President Assad decided it was best for the Syrian people for him to leave. Thus he rejected Russian and Iranian military aid proposals, as this would bring more deaths and destruction on Syria, and the economic suffering of the population would not be resolved.
Many talk shows blame the debacle on the corruption of Syrians and Arabs in general. Besides the inherent racism in such remarks, a good reminder to those would be the ruthless Nazi proxy "Russian Liberation National Army" comprised of tens of thousands of Soviet military who fought alongside the Nazis against the Soviet Union.
As for corruption, one recalls the rampant and across-the-board corruption during the Yeltsin years when the Russian economy was destroyed by neoliberalism.
This brings to mind the Arabic proverb: "حين تسقط البقرة يكثر سلاّخوها" “When the cow falls, many are the butchers.”
The cowards, if any, were not Assad nor the Syrian Arab Army. It was China.
President Assad was a courageous, honorable man who cared about his people more than himself or his family.
People need to look at a much bigger picture. Syria was a shock because the events occurred so rapidly after years of stagnate movement. All of these antics are leading up to forming USCENTCOM territory as a governate in the NWO. I've said in my recent substack that Israel will likely be the administrator. Notice how the U.S. tries, now, to "hide" in the background and place Israel front and center. Israel's defense is always that they must do whatever actions they've doing for "self-defense." Brilliant Ashkenazi aka Khazar thinking! They assume identities. Here they assume the identity of the beleaguered underdog in the ME, but in truth, with endless U.S. weaponry and money, they militarily rule and vanquish as they like in the ME. Who else has been bombing other countries with impunity for years? No one except Israel. They're no "underdog" in any truthful perception, but people are so effectively brainwashed that some believe all this tripe and nonsense.
I agree with your assessment of Assad. I think he saw a no-win for Syria and himself long ago. I'm glad his family and he are out.
Hi Richard.
Here's a recent video on the Chris Hedges Report named, 'The Fall of Assad and what it means for the Mid East.'
The highly knowledgeable guest is Alastair Crooke who's a fomer british diplomat who has already met and spoken to Bachar Al Assad and who both greatly understands geopolitics and Middle-East Affairs.
He's also a regular guest on the Judge Napolitano You Tube channel.