While the parasite is evidently killing its Western host, historically, like a pathogenic microbe, it has been adept at jumping from one host to another. When it killed the British Empire with two wars lucrative to banking power, it jumped nimbly to the US.

The brain trust created by the bankers clings to its agenda long after its usefulness date. Loath to give up, "perfidious Albion" has tried to rule from within the US "dumb giant", hence, as you say, Britain's persistent attempt at an "occult empire". Likewise, embedded in the deep state, the imperial impulse in the US is not going down without a fight.

Hence, in my view, The current campaign of the globalist financial parasite to infect the non-Western world is far from over. Decades ago, it started the transition to new potential hosts in the now emerging multipolar alternative. In Russia, the Kremlin leadership must dance atop an economic oligarchy whose usurious elements continually exact their pound of flesh, and explain the cautiousness and limitations of Putin's quest for Russian economic sovereignty.

In China, despite current attempts to clean house, usurious capitalism is alive and well, and infects even the Party leadership, creating multi-billionaires among the leaders of state enterprises as well as throughout the private sector.

For now, the Achilles heel of both Russia and China is their eagerness to attract Western capital and multinationals. With it comes an invidious cultural component that, once embedded in a society is hard to eradicate. So I think the jury is still out on the demise of the globalist parasite.

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Yes, it will take a long time for it to all play out. I suspect, though, that the humanity of the future is impatient to be born. But they will know how hard we fought.

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Well put. Thanks.

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Thank you.

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Have no stake in the outcome. Face infinity without flinching. {Max Igan}

Don’t be scared; be prepared.

Secure yourself and your family

Secure your water supply

Grow your own food, or buy from a nearby farmer you trust

Get rid of attachments and addictions

Build your physical, mental, and emotional strength

Focus on your spirituality

Forget about banks, fiat currencies and government services – none of it will exist anymore

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

and Wisdom to know the difference. {Niebuhr ~ Serenity Prayer}

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All good advice. Time to dig deep.

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While I certainly agree about the "albatross around Trump's neck" I sure am happy about some of the things that he is doing that are angering and terrifying so many of the minions of the evil hidden power (which is becoming less hidden all the time it seems) and reversing some of the worst and most shocking ongoing criminal enterprises we've been subjected to and suffered from the last four years. History does not seem to bode well for the future of this world, but the awakening ones should be okay and survive if not prosper should they stand strong.

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Yes, I agree with you. For instance, driving out the drug gangs is a huge step if it succeeds. It appears that some people with Trump at least are trying to save the US as a sovereign entity. My own view is that the real war right now is between Trump and the Black Nobility that runs the international financial elite. It's the same face-off Lincoln encountered.

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... and look what happened to him. But I agree, there is room for some (very) cautious optimism.

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Exactly. The same elite families that murdered Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield, and JFK and apparently have taken a couple of attempts on Trump.

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Excellent summary!

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I agree with you and recently commented elsewhere, because of my current reading on genocides throughout history for an article, that Europe meets the criteria which precipitated **every** genocide. van der Leyen's advancing the net-zero goals shows that the "Royalty" are in a panic to accomplish their fall of Europe. I urged Europeans to beg or borrow the money and get out of Europe as quickly as possible. The U.S. is on equally borrowed time, but Trump gives a four-year reprieve. The NYSE is a rigged game, and BRICS has nothing to offer. Financial control is monolithic. Larry Fink from BlackRock sells insurance and other financial platforms in China. Russia has a Rothschild central bank.

The sad part is that, after "fellow Americans" called for my forced vaccination in 2021-22, I no longer trust my country. The cancerous division has been exploited. Yes, Black Nobility in back of Rothschilds et al., but the course of recent events shows us well that factions are at play and strive for dominance to initiate their agenda. One faction is Biden's "Build Back Better." Another courses through Trump's administration. National-state leaders need not be aware they're being used to be used.

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That was a quick surf !!!

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Keeping it short these days.

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Good news!!

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Yes, I actually do think the news is good. I don't know if you read British blogger Frank Wright. He has a similar perspective. You can probably look him up.

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Hi Richard

I agree with you on many points, but not with your conclusion:

"The Black Nobility that heads the globalist financial elite—The “City,” the WEF, Bilderberg, the WHO, the “Woke,” etc.—is also seeing its world collapse."

The globalist financial elite is not Western, it's international, and stronger than ever. They used 4 western countries as their hegemons during the last 500 years: Spain, Holland, England, and the USA. For more than a century they have prepared Russia and China to take over the hegemonic role from the West: these changes were always accompanied by wars.

The decline and demolition of the West was started over 50 years ago. All Western leaders know this (Macron admitted it 6 years ago), and Trump too. He is probably intended as "The Fall Guy" who will be severely humiliated, and is indeed trying to save as much as he can before retreating in "Fortress America", as you call it.

I cannot explain this better and more concise than in my article


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The Black Nobility is done.

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That is a very dangerous underestimation of humanity's biggest foe.

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Not even remotely likely! They are an international crime syndicate, Richard. They have made provision for their next move.

Take a close look at Astana in Kazakhstan. It bears all the hallmarks and symbols of the new global HQ for our old totalitarians! I have spelled out the clues:


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In this winding down my thought is for some years, maybe since the inception of the Bank of England no Stuart Monarch wanted, nor Lord Protector Cromwell, nor his son, but William of Orange glady allowed with his Glorious Revolution, the international finance game has been cartel based - nations have been hosts for finance parasites. Public policy dictated by parasites. Shapes of law and custom dictated by parasites. The parasites on two legs were wicked men and wanted the ruination of nations and to maximize their wealth and power. Now with Covid tyranny they have come some distance to this great goal and you are saying No Pasaran is now? Economic collapse hurts them too? That Festung Amerika is somehow not to their benefit? That their transnational kinship and corporate Octopus grip on power is halted and now falling back when injections are still advertised by government as necessary for health and Pfizer has been named by the American Cancer Society (ACS) as its 2024 Corporate Partner of the Year.

[link to www.pfizer.com (secure)]

Well played, considering Pfizer is most likely the cause of the surge in cancers we’re seeing.

This evil system is not well understood in materialist age.

Wordsworth caught it well in his in his famous poem "The World is Too Much With Us."

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As the blind man said to his deaf wife, "We shall see."

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For some Enlightenment is sudden. For others no. For mankind we know only it is possible one head at a time but never many.

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"My advice to individuals in the Western world: look to your own survival, along with those of family and friends. Believe me, in today’s world survival is enough. And pray."

I agree on that part.

No, they haven't lost and aren't losing.

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Are we likely seeing the birth pangs of impending systemic collapse ?


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No one is hearing this!

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Oh, well...........

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Mr. Cook: I would contend that WWIII began circa 1989, 1990 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the disintegration of the Soviet Union into 15 states and the unwinding of the Warsaw Pact. At that time there was NO need for NATO and it could have been dissolved or Russia could have become a member. The USA, James Baker, promised Gorbechev, Russia, that NATO would not move (one inch Eastwards) towards Russia, another BIG LIE.

The USA has been ruled, behind the scenes, by the hidden money war machine, since Dec. 1913.

It was so violently emphasized on Nov. 22, 1963. The current war against Russia has been going on for some 1000 years by the same tribe, that now owns all of the USA and most of the world.

Between WW I and WW II, there was 20 years of political war, economic war, propaganda war before the bullets, bombs and missiles began again More or less constant war, in smaller ways from 1945 until now.

Some good news is that there is so much more info available and easier and faster to communicate.

There are many good people working on themselves and for their families and communities.

When we leave this planet from the physical, we all go to the spirit world and we go to the same level of consciousness, that we have developed on Earth. We take only our consciousness. If we have progressed and have resolved our karmic responsibilities, then we may not have to come back to Earth, but may be able to move on to other, more evolved planets.

Those that have major karmic baggage, will be reincarnated back to Earth to work out their issues.

It is sad that there is so much death and destruction on Earth, but that is the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Best regards

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As long as Trump thinks he can grab Gaza's gas & real estate, the genocide will go on.

I doubt a 2-state solution will be viable in the long run; Israel has yet to honor any ceasefire agreements, but instead has moved some of its genocidal slaughter of women & children to the West Bank. Maybe a 2-state could provide a transition to a single Palestinian state after the pretenders flee the failing Israel. But frankly the sooner Israel is put down, the better for all. Just turn off the spigot already...🤬

Meantime, the Red Crescent can always use help:


And the Hind Rajab Foundation is pursuing legal action against the killers who brag about their torture & murder:


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1. Reportedly 70% of the deaths have been women & children.

2. Posting & blocking so I can't see your reply? Pathetic. 🙄

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