It still seems to come as a surprise that Uncle Sam doesn't receive warm welcomes wherever he lands to "spread democracy". The worse he gets the more leeway "liberals" seem to give the old psychopath.

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I've seen the US step on Brazil's neck my whole life, due to their "potential threat", even though Brazil has always been, geopolitically a very peaceful nation, especially considering its size. I have lots of family members who served in Brazil's diplomatic corps, all over the world.

As a result of this hostile posture, the US has shoved Brazil into China's arms – which is, actually another US (Globalist) Creation.

Brazil was China, before China was China: i.e., cheap labor for multi-national corporations to make all the shoes and cars, etc for the international market, prior to the 1990s.

Shipping all the jobs to China killed Brazil, too. Did you know that?

The US has since infused its entire technological civilization into China's bloodstream. What the Hell was that all about? It was not in US interests. It was not in humanity's interests!

It was in the Nazi Globalists' interests: to create a global, Authoritarian dictatorship, imposing the "China (AI) Model", worldwide.

All of this criminal garbage needs to be stopped immediately.

F! Makinder's "World Island". We have our own island, here in the Western Hemisphere.

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This all makes sense when you step back and realize the US (Washington DC) is a corporate entity tied to the old Roman Empire through the Vatican and and City of London (all three are City States). All roads lead to Rome. Why is it called Latin America? What’s ties everything together?

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It's pretty hilarious that I was a Freshman at Brown when Victoria Nuland was a Junior and Norm Eisen was a Sophomore.

I was hanging out with JFK Jr and all the theater kids, not knowing about the actual demons that were around us.

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I was in George W. Bush's freshman class at Yale. I lasted six weeks there whereas he went on to bigger and better things.

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All this represent a preparation to the 'One World Order'. Which is not about the individuals in the political and economic power arena but about a very intelligent demon who is using these individuals as pieces on its chessboard; A game of which 'he' think 'he' can determinates its rules: Yet he can't. There is something / someone bigger; yet this depends on us the common people.

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All settler colonialist nations create fabrications to cover for their crimes, then wrap themselves in these fabrications - We're a Christian Nation!" - to avoid taking responsibility for the crimes.

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Certainly true, but one also has to ask the extent to which the Jewish settler colonialist nation controls the Christian one--even going back to the original CFR studies of 1940-1941 that got us into this mess. I don't have the answer but I think the question should be asked. There's an opinion out there that WWI and WWII were both Zionist projects.

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Or, as my high school art teacher used to say, "A crockett full of excrement."

The pResident is a powerless figurehead. Trump -- the Marmalade Messiah -- included.

The Empire of Lies requires divine intervention.

The false Messiah, in his white lab coat, on his white horse, has come & gone. The genocide continues.

Doesn't the red (faced) come next?

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Trump's attempt to ensure the continued status of the US$ by imposing tariffs on competitor nations could backfire and setting in motion a chain reaction of financial mayhem and the meltdown of global economic systems.

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Yes... It 'all' is most definitely "just a crock of sh--".

Welcome to the world that Orwell predicted, where the entire US (Western) Empire is built on a foundation that is completely (100%) fabricated from outright lies, which we ALL know are lies, but which large numbers of people have been influenced ("brainwashed") into pretending that they believe that the lies are all true.

The mythology of the Naked Emperor's New Clothes dates back to ancient times. Hans Christian Anderson published his version of this ancient story in 1837. Everybody could 'see' that the Emperor is naked. There was nothing wrong with their eyes. They just all agreed to all pretend that his new clothes were beautiful. This is mob psychology 101. This is how mass insanity works. People simply agree to believe what they ALL know is not true. When we humans embrace mass delusions, we depart from 'reality'.

With the advent of the power of electronic Mass Media, the power of the Tyrants who rule over us has increased 'exponentially'. This word 'exponentially' means that the faster it increases, the more its increase accelerates. The faster it goes, the faster it goes faster.

In Anderson's story, the 'spell' was broken by 'innocence', when an innocent voice cried out... The truth is a powerful force. It has its own unique ways of making itself known. When 'spells' are broken, it can happen suddenly. In the story, the voice of innocence broke the spell, and people suddenly 'awoke' from it.

Note how cunning our Enemy is, however. This Enemy does not seek to crush opposition, but rather to merely control it. This Enemy is so cunning as to have already caused people to 'awaken' from one set of delusions, but in doing so the Enemy caused these 'woke' people to awaken into a new set of delusions.

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JFK appeared to be leaning towards such a challenge.

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Yes, I believe he was--with his American University address certainly.

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'A crock of sh*t!!'

How well-mannered you are Richard 😇 as most probably, the less polite among us would have phrased this a little differently.

'No US rival in the 'Heartland, EURASIA, will be tolerated!'

Zbigniew Brzezinski👿:((

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Brzezinski: Incredible, diabolical hubris

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Wolfowitz was one of the Architects of the Iraq War, or American War according to Iraqis. Like all the architects, they were greatly influenced by Leo Strauss a professor at the University of Chicago, who accepted only students of the future elite.

You can read about him in this archive publication by Shadia Drury. https://archive.org/details/leostraussameric0000drur

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Absolutely right. In fact, there is a strong body of opinion that equates today's domination of US foreign affairs by the Neocons with a highly-organized takeover by the "Straussians." They are also heavily wired into Netanyahu's clique.

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I remember back in the early 2000s it was very easy to find information on Leo Strauss, but unless you know where to look all you’re going to find our articles praising him as some sort a great man.

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Right. I have studied this somewhat. Strauss had two faces. One was the mild-mannered academic mumbling platitudes. The other was a secretive and bitterly angry Zionist fanatic. He told his mesmerized following--including Wolfowitz--that only if they ruled the US and the US ruled the world would the Jews be safe. Check out Robert Kagan, Nuland's husband. Look up where those families came from. Same case with the Pritzkers. This is the crowd that repeatedly paraded Netanyahu before Congress.

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It also relates to why Zelensky said he wanted Ukraine to become the "Big Israel."

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