Russia and China are competing with the West for more power in the same systems e.g. UN and WHO. The WEF is involved with Russia, and Russia's new President just said that the role of his country is to preserve Western conservatism.

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The High Middle Ages is when all the Great Cathedrals were built by the people, not the church, the first universities were founded, science, agriculture and innovation flourished all due to the prosperity delivered by a money system in which the money gradually lost value annually then was reissued. It was similar to the grain-based money system using ostraca that provided Egypt with 3000 years of prosperity. Silvio Gesell said money should be issued with a demurrage (a parking fee). This is what was responsible for the astonishing prosperity of Wörgl, Austria in the depths of the depression. Wörgl’s demurrage was paid with a 1% stamp purchased to restore its value monthly while in Egypt and the High Middle Ages the value of the currency was restored annually with the harvest. The monthly fee made Wörgl’s currency circulate at such high velocity they were able to accomplish $2.5 million in public works in 15 months issuing only $6000. The newspapers hailed it as the Miracle of Wörgl. The bank-owned governments banned it world around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Uz4PRWr3ns&t=2s

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"Who" built the Gothic cathedrals is one of the most fascinating mysteries of the Middle Ages. My wife and I have been to three in Europe--in Bamberg, Regensburg, and Strassbourg. To say that we were awestruck would be an understatement. As nearly as I can tell, the actual "builders" of the cathedrals were the Knights Templar, a military religious order responsible for protecting visitors to the Holy Land. The order was approved and authorized by the Papacy, with each Cathedral under a group of master masons who self-renewed over generations. The cathedrals are textbooks in stone of Biblical teachings. It is speculated that the Knights Templar got their building knowledge from the Arabs or even possibly from excavating the Temple in Jerusalem. What we know for sure is that their knowledge did not exists in Europe before then. The first Gothic structure was a chapel near Paris run by Abbot Suger. While documentation is scanty, it does appear that the Knights Templar also ran the European monetary system and kept a large Treasury at a time when nation-states were just starting to form. There was no usury in their system, and there was no inflation. Prices were amazingly stable. By 1300, the Knights Templar wore out their welcome, and were attacked and destroyed by the kings of France and the popes. The bankers of Italy stepped in, particularly those of Florence and Venice, and by 1500 the old system was dead and buried, with usury-based banking taking over.

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Cabal of Theives !

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