
They certainly did their best to coerce Trump to go along with all their crimes, and he was far too weak so gave way to creatures like Pompeo, Fauci, and Netanyahu.

We can only hope he has learned his lessons. He has a strong following in the bureaucracy and military to make some real changes. We'll see if he gets that far.

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Then they sprang the pandemic on him?

I wonder if that was part of the effort to exit Trump.

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Good question.

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That would be like dropping an atomic bomb on your neighbor's house because he offended you 30 min ago. Sort of.

In my opinion, the "plannedemic" was a well-arranged, thought out plan to observe the public's reaction, in order to make future adjustments to attempts to do likewise sometime soon. I'm sure they're pleased with how that all went. Regarding President Trumps position at that time, seems to be coincidental, but worked into the hands of the "shadow" operatives.

Now here's my deeper personal overview: Picture a "pendulum" which swings in opposite directions and is usually on the move, in one direction or the opposite, yet at differing speeds and with sporadic "slow-downs" or interruptions.

Hegel looked at this and devised an application which would be useful to steer the masses in a direction not of their choosing. Causing one extreme (of the pendulum's swing) to create public desire for a "corrective" swing, he reasoned that to bring about a condition, a "thesis" (one extreme) must be experienced, as well as an "antithesis," (the other extreme), so as to bring about the desired "SYNTHESIS". This is simple and logical, but requires the implementation of propaganda machinery. This of course, requires time, infiltration for cooperation, money and planning and adjusting as plans are implemented and their results observed and confirmed.

It goes a level deeper. There is a Satanic plot which undergirds ALL of this evil underhandedness. The banksters, the "operatives" who assemble and plan their moves are all Satanically driven and motivated, whether or not they know it. Most do know it, but choose to serve the devil in stead of Christ, in order to "collect" their portion of the bargaining agreement.

The entire world is struggling with this "worship" call. It seems that Satan has over-run the battle-field with his advantages, but he will eventually be removed and killed and peace and tranquility will once again pervade the universe. This is something to share with others, and to drink of nightly (and daily) as a means of refreshment and a faith-inducing and strengthening world-view.

Deception is rampant. Read the Trustworthy Prophecies of the Word of God for assurance.

May God be your Guide and Savior,


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Good take on what’s happening, especially the atomic bomb analogy. Trump was a player-turned-people’s-advocate after he saw the damage done by his past financial support of Hillary et al, at least in my mind. The theory gains traction when one looks at the zeal with which Trump’s formerly supported went after him as a turncoat. What’s still in the wind however is the good leaving-alone that the Plandemic is currently getting, even by Trump, ie: it’s return, the other shoe waiting to drop as you have said in so many words. Never mind what a Chinese lab aided by us was cooking up, Trump isn’t focused on dialing back our insane mandate/lockdown reaction that nearly ended our existence as a sovereign nation. This morning, prior to reading your comment, I was saying to myself that the only path to a resolution is the one which God provides.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Richard C

To John Ranger,

Thanks for your thoughts and words. I concur. As a Christian, my hope rests with the promises found in God's Word for those who trust and obey what is written. The grand scheme of things seems to indicate that things will increase in its evil intensity. The prophecies of Matt. 24, spoken by the Master Himself, indicate that there will be seen an intense hatred which has not been witnessed before. Wars are vicious, but the hearts of the men fighting them still had some "fleshiness" to them. But in the end of days, which we are present within, the "love of many shall wax cold." We saw this in the way the populous reacted over the Covid narrative.

In the future, the spiritual aspect will be revived, but it will be a TRAP, and not the real deal. Much of past history has been a primer to pave the way for Satan's trap to bring to ruin the souls of men. It is practically unbelievable from our present view-point, but when it occurs, it will be all the easier to fall into, or fall for due to the dire circumstances of the times we will face ahead.

In a nutshell, we are COMMANDED to obey the Ten Commandments. This preserves tranquility in the universe, and reminds us of God's supreme Character of love. But Satan has made "changes" to the Ten Commandments which is a highly blasphemous thing to attempt. Those changes include the Second and the Fourth Commandments (most notably) both of which were admittedly altered by the Roman Church. So there will be given us a choice to follow the RC church and her blasphemy, or to face death and persecution for resisting her.

Let's choose to resist and educate ourselves with this prophetic knowledge, and then share it with everyone we can.


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Jul 15Liked by Richard C

The only ways out are war and Divine Intervention...and one can't rule out war as Divine Intervention.

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"It was explained that the Shadow Men are apprehensive that the strong-willed billionaire may refuse to get house-trained in the manner that Hillary Clinton so transparently was."

When it came to covid1984 and Israel, Trump was well house trained...unless it was 4d chess.

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I get the appeal of Trump when his opponent is essentially a corpse, dressed up for the Halloween party of scary American elections. As the saying goes, there are no ugly women at "bar time". Trump with all his faults is a no brainier choice given the sad, dated opposition. Last night my wife and I listened to an amazing talk by Tucker Carlson on his TCN. I.e. Tucker Carlson Network. He gave an amazing interpretation of the deeper meaning of Trump fighting back under extreme duress. This was a Washington Crossing the Delaware moment-now burned into our historical memory.The guy IS apparently bullet proof! Literally. Tucker basically said that Trump gets the presidency after the shit-show in PA...I agree. The Dems can only offer us a husk of a man with his diversity hire, Harris. I thought JD Vance was the very best pick he could make and he did it. I actually thought he might pick that non-entity from North Dakota. My greatest fear re Trump is that I don't think he has much knowledge of history and is thus dependent on others for interpretation. A perspective grounded in history would be invaluable yet...here we are. Thanks to the author for this VERY insightful article. I've been a skeptic since age nineteen when I saw the Vietnam debacle for what it was while also trying to sort the meaning of the JFK Dallas haircut(just a little off the top). Re last Saturday nights gunfight at the Trump corral: I was mightily impressed by how composed the crowd was, sitting behind Trump. They were mostly poised and controlled when they might have done a music concert stampede. If I were Trump I'd hire a food tester. And...FJB! I wish Trump wasn't owned by the Zionists yet here we are and he likely is the least bad option. Any port in a storm, etc...

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There are few astrologers , physics who had predicted this few yrs back as recently as last 2-3 weeks .

One I follow on YouTube is guy called Craig Hamilton-Parker , and another K M SINHA

Both were spot on

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Oh what a tangled web Spring weaves

The weird shooting of Donald Trump


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No way will the powers that be allow Trump to be president again.

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We shall see, said the blind man to his deaf wife....

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Trump is the perfect fall guy for the collapse of the system. Get him in office, and let everything burn under his "guidance". Then not only Trump, but also the "conservative" movement and everyone is at fault for the collapse. Perfect scenario to destroy democracy to save democracy...

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I doubt it. Trump has huge forces behind him within the executive branch and the military. He has likely learned his lessons from his previous term when he appointed clucks like Pompeo. Won't make that mistake again. We are more likely to have the revolution from within so many are hoping for.

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