Well, that's a lot of truth, with the fake Trump narratives woven in...

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Like I say, we'll. Maybe they'll get the message

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You missed the Bush wars on Iraq, arms for hostages, etc. The GOP has been just as bad.

And Trump only wants "peace" in Palestine because it's already been razed. When the Palestinian people refuse to abandon their homeland to Kushner's Kondos, Trump will have no problem turning the Gaza rubble into dust, along with its indigenous people.

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Israel is the albatross around his neck and could destroy everything.

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Martin Armstrong sees Russia nuking Ukr in April.

I think it's more likely that Israel or the US will go after Iran.

Cuba missile crisis had JFK & Krushchev ( who reportedly was devastated when he heard they'd got him).

Now we've got Putin vs a crew of psychopaths. Sorry but track record includes Trump.

I'm just glad I know how I'm going, where I'm going & who will be there for me when my time comes!

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via Patrick Wood at Technocracy.news

The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity (Part 3): The Dangerous Delusion that Governments, including BRICS, are Sovereign and Can Stop the Technocratic Takeover


Reversing the Financial Coup d’Etat—Critical Issues in U.S. Federal Finances: A Briefing Memo for U.S. Federal and State Candidates and Legislators

By Catherine Austin Fitts


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IMHO the technocratic takeover is more a competition between competing systems. The global financial elite are at a big disadvantage to BRICS because they are concerned above all with financial gain and profit. This is a prescription for defeat.

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The System Is Cracking Up, Not Solidifying

"We no longer control the news"


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Good, it should crack up. What can be put in its place is the question. Plenty of people see the problem but very few propose solutions. My answer is we need to return to our founding principles of individual freedom, including free labor and a national currency. Have you read my book, "Our Country, Then and Now"?

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Not yet.

I will though 😁

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Please do and let me know what you think. I value your opinion!

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We shouldnt have let it happen! Although its important to note that they did not succeed in undoing what the Jacksonians did in the 1830/1840s (although some of it was there from day one of the country!) and centralize banking and finance until the 1970s/1980s. There were fight backs! Even during the phase space after WW2 when the USA was moving towards deep centralization there were successful rear guard actions that bought us some time, such as the wins achieved in the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

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Yes, there have been fight-backs. And there have been many people who fought back from the start, including the Puritans who came over with the Great Puritan Migration. Please take a look at my book "Our Country There and Now" for glimpses of true American patriotism.


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Hello, Richard! I posted this on your interview with Kevin Barrett:

Richard is correct that Trump's playing the role of Lincoln in the Civil War, which was fought to destroy the self-reliance of the plantation system, not to end slavery. As Adam Smith said, free labor is cheaper, especially when you uproot people and leave them no other option. Slavery would have ended after the Revolutionary War if it hadn't been enshrined in the Constitution by the same money powers who instigated the Civil War. This is the underlying paradigm of the plantation, but turning the whole country into it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/04-plantation-nation.

And the Constitution made the States unable to create their own internal currencies and pay the veterans back wages, when their farms were being foreclosed for back taxes: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-constitution-coup.

In my book, I also write about Teddy Roosevelt and the 'Progressive' Bull Moose Party being sponsored by the money powers who wanted to break Taft's sure bet for reelection. He was the spoiler who ushered in the Rothschild's real candidate, Wilson, who signed the Aldrich Plan as the Federal Reserve on the eve of Christmas Eve: https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607.

Richard should read my book because he doesn't understand the game they're playing. The high interest rates of the Biden era shook out all the owners of variable rate mortgages. By dropping the rate again, the banks can mortgage them at a higher cost--since the house price can go up at the same repayment rate when the interest is lower. Banks are issuing mortgages out of thin air, but it becomes 94% of the total dollars in circulation. It's two hands of the same psychopathic agenda.

High tariffs will create higher consumer costs without any support for local production. But if Richard thinks that military spending in the heartland is the kind of self-reliance he wants, Trump may be his guy.

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Hey, why don't you read my book too, then tell me where you think I'm wrong.

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Touché, Richard! And they're the same price ;-)

I'm in agreement with everything in your book description. And I agree with every statement in your article up to Trump and the Civil War being fought to end slavery. It's Charles Post I quote in my book from The American Road to Capitalism who talks about The Civil War replacing the 'primitive accumulation' of slaveowners with sharecroppers and monopolization of commodity production through the railroads, protective tariffs and liberal immigration that kept cheap labor competing for jobs.

I apologize for saying that you should read my book so rudely. What I meant is that we are so much on the same side, with the same goals and 95% agreement on facts and analysis, that you may find it useful. We're starting from a platform of agreement far beyond what most people understand.

I also look at sovereign money as the solution, but my approach keeps it localized. To sidestep the prohibitions in the Constitution, I use the Treasury's right of seignorage to coin three platinum coins and give them each a $1T value, replacing the Social Security Trust Fund. I then issue credit at a rate of $9K per resident to capitalize commonwealth banks. Then rescind the right of private banks to issue money as mortgages and make that the exclusive privilege of commonwealth banks at a ratio of 10:1 for their reserves/ deposits, as it is now.

With the debt held by the commonwealth in a currency exclusive to it, a monthly dividend can be issued equal to the collective debt. This can be used for locally produced food, wellcare, education and home improvements--giving ample ways of earning a living equal to the cost of housing. And the commonwealth controls the tax and exchange rate to make it favorable to local producers and consumers, and foster home ownership, small local businesses and small local landlords.

So I don't think you're wrong. I think you're entirely on the right track, which I am too.

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I hope & pray Trump succeeds without suffering the same fate as the others, who had the courage to go against the banksters schemes.

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Amen to that.

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We shouldnt have let it happen! Although its important to note that they did not succeed in undoing what the Jacksonians did in the 1830/1840s (although some of it was there from day one of the country!) and centralize banking and finance until the 1970s/1980s. There were fight backs! Even during the phase space after WW2 when the USA was moving towards deep centralization there were successful rear guard actions that bought us some time, such as the wins achieved in the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

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'The globalists also shot president JFK!'

Are you sure🤔

Watch and listen to the YouTube video entitled,

'Roque Sauquere et Jean-Marc ROEDER(astrophysicist who leaves NO stone unturned) ' L'Affaire Kennedy.'


To discover who eliminated JFK and Bobby Kennedy and WHY!

It's in french, a language that I speak fluently.

Bonne continuation.


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