Excellent historical perspective, especially about the history of and the weaponization of finance.

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I've posted any number of times & places, take out City of London, DC, Pentagon, Tel Aviv & the Vatican, & the problems of the world will be largely resolved.

The Quran predicts that ~2000 years after Jesus' ascension, large wars will break out in the Middle East, then Jesus will return to fight & destroy the AntiChrist. And then rule for 40 years, bringing peace & justice.

Moslems believe another was crucified & Jesus ascended directly.

That would put these events right around...hmmm...checks calendar...2030.

Right around when WEF plans to complete its takeover of the world.

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I hope we are around to find out.

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Timing is everything.

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Indeed it would.

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It's interesting that we went through this entire stage of history really being taught something else. Wonder where those thoughts came from ? Nothing moves without exchange. The necessity of all economics. Control the processes and values of the exchange and control everything. Ever consider why those hosting the WEF in Davos, Switzerland don't participate in the UN Agenda 2030 C40 SMART ICLEI designs. Why Bern and Geneva don't have CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS running around their towns ?

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The WEF and the UN signed a memorandum of understanding to implement Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs on 4th May 2022. See this Xitter announcement made at the time: https://x.com/ninnyd101/status/1521863898244464640

Also reported with comment here: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/red-alert-un-and-wef-sign-agreement-to-accelerate-agenda-2030/

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Thank You for making this, article. It's one of the best I've ever read. Simply put I was aware of a lot of the historical facts mentioned. But you've put them all together in a great way for many to realise & learn what had been going on for centuries. Being British in political discussions with friends & family. It's often mentioned Britain is a vassel state of America. Then something in geopolitics becomes apparent & it comes across that it's the British leading the Americans & the British making the most important decisions . Obviously ti's isn't always the case, but it happens. No other country would be tolerated by the American ruling elites. To even have an opinion in major decisions. If we take this Ukrainian conflict, it's always being stated the US/UK decision is this or that. No mention of the EU, in fact it's pretty obvious the EU is told exactly what it has to do & when to do it. Any rational person looking from the outside in, can see the British & American ruling classes are 2 cheeks of the same ass. This article totally spells out how the financial systems are interconnected or more precisely. How those controlling this system are totally connected.

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Greatly appreciate your comments and insight.

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Black magic. Dr John Dee.

Britain uber alles.


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Great historical perspective on what is really going on....outisde of the deceptive narratives, and fake history we've been taught by the very same scumbags that are pushing the global culling and conquest agenda. But alas, will the sheeple wake up, start seeking the truth and regain their critical thinking skills in time?

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That's really the question, isn't it.

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Michael Hudsons The Collapse of Antiquity discusses different economic systems.

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Hudson is one of the few real experts in the field.

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You've written an absolutely compelling history. As another comment replied, you've taken what many know from disparate angles and brought them together besides enlightening many of us who didn't know some of your details.

I don't have your extensive background in this realm having red pilled in 2015 in my 60s. I have come to one of your conclusions, however, by writing so frequently and often on the current Gaza Genocide. I, too, have concluded: "...today’s slide into World War III was to create the state of Greater Israel as a world-dominating force." The reason, I think, for the concentration and building of Greater Israel is simply One-world Governance. Look at a map of the Unified Combatant Commands through which the U.S. has divided the world. Greater Israel would control (also called "Central Command" rather than "Middle Eastern Command" or "East Asian Command") the huge land mass of Africa, Europe, Russia, and China. Scroll down for picture of map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_combatant_command

I would also suggest looking for who hides behind whom. Certainly Israel has been visibly shaping the Middle East, but notice their conduct while Syria fell. The U.S. bombed only one day. They offered nothing as political rhetoric. Israel carried the heavy load by strikes on over 900+ targets. The U.S. hid behind Israel. We're pulling the strings but are the ones truly in control because **who else is supporting Israel financially and militarily?** Israel wouldn't exist without U.S. financial support. Look, too, to what conditions caused Syria to fall. I would point to the U.S.-imposed economic/financial sanctions which the U.S. enforced against all countries to gain compliance (except Russia and Iran).

Same with Ukraine. U.S. is the most visible proxy in this war, but consistently in the background, we have the UK pulling strings. They veto negotiations. They strong-arm NATO countries to provide arms and side with Ukraine. What role have they played in sabotaging the various pipelines and telecommunication cables? We need to think in terms of "factions" within those who drive the world toward one-world governance rather than countries. Some factions work better through certain U.S. administrations, but as you say, the U.S. is controlled no matter who wins "the presidency."

Also, I suggest that China is very much apart of the scheme as anyone else. No other reason exists for Larry Fink's BlackRock presence in China to "sell insurance"...which is an infiltration of their banking and financial systems. The Russian central bank is Rothschild.

Like the 19-20th century wars, the sides are artificially constructed. They'll collapse the U.S. when the time ultimately benefits them. The end goal for all is simply transhumanism and a greatly reduced Earth population. An elité group will be hooked up to AI-type of intelligence governing Earth and aborting human beings via fetuses grown in incubator-like pods whose consciousness is atrophied to suit the AI's needs. Notice in the younger ones that they look to the stars--once enabled by AI, they'll attempt full scale dominance of the solar system. By the inherent nature of 3D, they won't succeed. They'll probably blow up Earth as they did Mars most likely.

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I very much appreciate being mentioned in note ii. How kind you are Richard!

Of course I was thrilled to read your article, first seen on the Global Research website, and so I came here to find the original.

You rip and roar through the entire story at a breathtaking pace, roping all the self-serving wannabes into a network of actors and actions leading inevitably to a full exposure of the intended totalitarian global governance.

I don't know if you have seen my article expressing my theory about the near future for us all, nor if you are aware of the apparent imminent removal of financial power to Astana in Kazakhstan. Assuming from your work that you have not, I add links to the relevant Substack articles in the hope that you will find time to check them out and offer me an opinion.



Thanks again for writing such a brilliant and satisfying piece which I have cross-posted with great pleasure!

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Economics is upstream from history

To understand history one must first grasp economics

To understand economics from the proper, moral perspective, see


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Hi Richard,

I would like to invite you to be included in a table of responses to 24 yes/no covid and great reset related questions. If you take one minute per question, that would be 24 minutes, but I bet you could do it in 5.


Your row in the table can be filled out by entering a comment either here or on the post using the following template with answers of <yes/ yes (see comments) / no / no (see comments) / ?> where any comments can be in the comments section, then I will put your answers in the table.

These questions follow the Open World Assumption:

"The Open World Assumption (OWA) is the assumption that what is not known to be true or false might be true, or absence of information is interpreted as unknown information, not as negative information"

So an assertion of one thing in the list does not negate the assertion of another thing. People will have different interpretations of different things.

The questions:

1) Supports Trump

2) Trump assassination attempt faked

3) Trump is a Technocrat

4) mRNA is a bioweapon

5)All vaccines are bioweapons

6) Vaccines were always bioweapons

7) Covid was just poisoning

8) Covid was a military operation

9) Covid was dangerous

10) Covid response was dangerous

11) Covid was a pandemic

12) Covid was a bioweapon

13) Viruses exist

14) Viruses cause disease

15) Terrain theory is correct

16) Germ theory is correct

17) G3P is in charge

18) G3P runs Putin too

19) Global warming caused by humans

20) Supports Ukraine war

21) 5G is for depopulation

22) Chemtrails are for depopulation

23) Malthus was correct

24) The Earth is overpopulated

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I'll take a look. But, with all due respect, I often can't give a short answer to questions like this! So many nuances, so little time (to coin a phrase).

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Its OWA (Open World Assumption), so don't worry too much.

Thank you if you participate!! 🙏🙏🙏

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re OWA: For example, you might answer

Supports Trump: yes

But that might mean you support him on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and you support the competition on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

It means what you want it to mean and people will have different interpretations.

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