I've posted any number of times & places, take out City of London, DC, Pentagon, Tel Aviv & the Vatican, & the problems of the world will be largely resolved.
The Quran predicts that ~2000 years after Jesus' ascension, large wars will break out in the Middle East, then Jesus will return to fight & destroy the AntiChrist. And then rule for 40 years, bringing peace & justice.
Moslems believe another was crucified & Jesus ascended directly.
That would put these events right around...hmmm...checks calendar...2030.
Right around when WEF plans to complete its takeover of the world.
After reaping/stealing millions, billions and trillions, money turns to be a rather boring issue. We've long sice entered the age of power and control of the globe, which both are much more spicy and tasty than printed paper or any kind of physical assets ...
While I agree it's about power, I see no good reason to insult people with sneers about the "sky fairy." Your ad hominem attacks do not serve your purpose, unless it is to end any discussion.
Thank You for making this, article. It's one of the best I've ever read. Simply put I was aware of a lot of the historical facts mentioned. But you've put them all together in a great way for many to realise & learn what had been going on for centuries. Being British in political discussions with friends & family. It's often mentioned Britain is a vassel state of America. Then something in geopolitics becomes apparent & it comes across that it's the British leading the Americans & the British making the most important decisions . Obviously ti's isn't always the case, but it happens. No other country would be tolerated by the American ruling elites. To even have an opinion in major decisions. If we take this Ukrainian conflict, it's always being stated the US/UK decision is this or that. No mention of the EU, in fact it's pretty obvious the EU is told exactly what it has to do & when to do it. Any rational person looking from the outside in, can see the British & American ruling classes are 2 cheeks of the same ass. This article totally spells out how the financial systems are interconnected or more precisely. How those controlling this system are totally connected.
This is a deep topic. Please take a look at my chapter "Rule Britannia" from my book "Our Country, Then and Now." We all know that the international financial elite resides within the City. But the government of Britain does their bidding. It's also the Rothschild HQ but not only them.
Great historical perspective on what is really going on....outisde of the deceptive narratives, and fake history we've been taught by the very same scumbags that are pushing the global culling and conquest agenda. But alas, will the sheeple wake up, start seeking the truth and regain their critical thinking skills in time?
You've written an absolutely compelling history. As another comment replied, you've taken what many know from disparate angles and brought them together besides enlightening many of us who didn't know some of your details.
I don't have your extensive background in this realm having red pilled in 2015 in my 60s. I have come to one of your conclusions, however, by writing so frequently and often on the current Gaza Genocide. I, too, have concluded: "...today’s slide into World War III was to create the state of Greater Israel as a world-dominating force." The reason, I think, for the concentration and building of Greater Israel is simply One-world Governance. Look at a map of the Unified Combatant Commands through which the U.S. has divided the world. Greater Israel would control (also called "Central Command" rather than "Middle Eastern Command" or "East Asian Command") the huge land mass of Africa, Europe, Russia, and China. Scroll down for picture of map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_combatant_command
I would also suggest looking for who hides behind whom. Certainly Israel has been visibly shaping the Middle East, but notice their conduct while Syria fell. The U.S. bombed only one day. They offered nothing as political rhetoric. Israel carried the heavy load by strikes on over 900+ targets. The U.S. hid behind Israel. We're pulling the strings but are the ones truly in control because **who else is supporting Israel financially and militarily?** Israel wouldn't exist without U.S. financial support. Look, too, to what conditions caused Syria to fall. I would point to the U.S.-imposed economic/financial sanctions which the U.S. enforced against all countries to gain compliance (except Russia and Iran).
Same with Ukraine. U.S. is the most visible proxy in this war, but consistently in the background, we have the UK pulling strings. They veto negotiations. They strong-arm NATO countries to provide arms and side with Ukraine. What role have they played in sabotaging the various pipelines and telecommunication cables? We need to think in terms of "factions" within those who drive the world toward one-world governance rather than countries. Some factions work better through certain U.S. administrations, but as you say, the U.S. is controlled no matter who wins "the presidency."
Also, I suggest that China is very much apart of the scheme as anyone else. No other reason exists for Larry Fink's BlackRock presence in China to "sell insurance"...which is an infiltration of their banking and financial systems. The Russian central bank is Rothschild.
Like the 19-20th century wars, the sides are artificially constructed. They'll collapse the U.S. when the time ultimately benefits them. The end goal for all is simply transhumanism and a greatly reduced Earth population. An elité group will be hooked up to AI-type of intelligence governing Earth and aborting human beings via fetuses grown in incubator-like pods whose consciousness is atrophied to suit the AI's needs. Notice in the younger ones that they look to the stars--once enabled by AI, they'll attempt full scale dominance of the solar system. By the inherent nature of 3D, they won't succeed. They'll probably blow up Earth as they did Mars most likely.
Good post. I agree on the excellence of the article in its comprehensiveness, perception, and clearly and credibly tying various histories and narratives together. But I share our reservations about China, Russia (and, by extension, BRICS overall). They have been "infiltrated," as you say, by the same usual suspects.
It's interesting that we went through this entire stage of history really being taught something else. Wonder where those thoughts came from ? Nothing moves without exchange. The necessity of all economics. Control the processes and values of the exchange and control everything. Ever consider why those hosting the WEF in Davos, Switzerland don't participate in the UN Agenda 2030 C40 SMART ICLEI designs. Why Bern and Geneva don't have CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS running around their towns ?
The WEF and the UN signed a memorandum of understanding to implement Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs on 4th May 2022. See this Xitter announcement made at the time: https://x.com/ninnyd101/status/1521863898244464640
Not that this is the first time for me to ever do this, and I seriously think it is unlikely I will not ever do it again, given all of this, but I screamed at the top of my lungs, inside my head, listening to the announcement in this video, I screamed, "Who gave you permission to make these decisions for all of us??! We did not give this permission! You do not have my permission to do this to me! No, you do not."
I scream inside my head a lot, too, Bhavana! Bloody nerve of them! They have this weird idea that some individuals are 'stakeholders', and others are simply not... What sort of thinking is that? Every single life on earth is a stakeholder! Even the tiniest amoeba! Who are they to speak for all living beings?
Frances, they must believe they are 100% entitled to have whatever they want, along with all their ilk. They truly must believe that aside from them and their ilk, all the rest of us are nothing, simply here for their use. It is gross and disgusting to see that to them a soul means nothing, nor does any kind of true connection with humanity and nature, much less the higher energy fields. They know these things exist, but they also know they can never comprehend what real love is, what a true connection based on mutual honouring and respecting another is, so this must enrage them. Wow, this is just coming out of my head...I really have to take care of myself by not spending too much time contemplating them and their ways of using energy.
I have missed you. Thank you so much for this post today.
This is why I have wondered about North America welcoming Islamic culture. If Americans and Canadians are seen as enemies of Islam, why are they welcomed in? I do not have Islamic friends, but I have met a number of people from the culture, and they have all been lovely. This is very confusing...they do not feel like enemies. Perhaps they are more secular, that must be it.
Well there's one group of exclusives that claim "god" fundamentally gave them dominion over all others.
But if you say such things in the kangaroo-court cult The Truth Barrier, or defend yourself against the cursing Jewish or Christian acolytes of that very God, you are going to get the final solution of banishment.
Obviously our history of America has been falsified.
1- We had a major war against England. Typically, we should hate their guts?
2- During the independence war and the Civil War two countries came to our help; the Zar of Russia, and France. Now, we hate Russia, and we exclude France from the 5 eyes.
Hence as a colony of not too great Britain, we are still kissing their arse?
Seems that the movers of all the world’s chess pieces operate out of the holy trinity of The City of London, D.C., and Vatican City. And upon close examination of the prominent players - Popes included - they are of a certain tribe of people, though they hide in plain sight by simply changing their names. Pick up a US quarter and have a good look at George Washington, for instance.
ALL history has been falsified. In my own reading I have found this to also include the history of the biological 'sciences' and the 3 great religions. It's amazing what you can pull off with a few strategic deletions & insertions along with mischievous misinterpretations and mistranslations.
2 examples. In biology - the great virology hoax since the 1950's. In Christianity - what Jesus and James were really doing under Roman occupation and how it relates to the ancient Greeks etc (taking an objective, non-religious look at original documents).
An excellent pithy summary. Do you agree with Richard Poe per his recent book about the Russian Revolution? e.g. being run by the Brits with Trotsky as a British asset? He was interviewed recently by Crypto Rich. Poe mentioned the French Revolution was another British op as witnessed by Jefferson and Lafayette in Paris at the time.
It reads like the Protocols which is actually a very important document in understanding modern history. Douglas Reed thinks the Protocols are meeting notes.
I have an abiding distrust of the notion that the Black Nobility is still at the top of the oligarchal food chain. Names and receipts are rarely proffered. Whether one accuses the Illuminati, the Masons, the Committee of 300, or any other large shadowy group, the bottom line is that cabal Jews have infiltrated them all, as well as have their own controlling interests. Names can be named and a gazillion receipts are readily available for a day in court to prove it. IMO, pointing to the Black Nobility and the like is a feint, witting or unwitting.
America Is a Gentile Nation
So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?
I very much appreciate being mentioned in note ii. How kind you are Richard!
Of course I was thrilled to read your article, first seen on the Global Research website, and so I came here to find the original.
You rip and roar through the entire story at a breathtaking pace, roping all the self-serving wannabes into a network of actors and actions leading inevitably to a full exposure of the intended totalitarian global governance.
I don't know if you have seen my article expressing my theory about the near future for us all, nor if you are aware of the apparent imminent removal of financial power to Astana in Kazakhstan. Assuming from your work that you have not, I add links to the relevant Substack articles in the hope that you will find time to check them out and offer me an opinion.
Excellent essay. Everywhere you look you can see the hand of the rootless cosmopolitans reeking chaos and havoc throughout the western world. Our societies need a total and complete overhaul. Mandatory is the abolition of the Federal Reserve, and the creation of a US Labor Dollar debt free and based on work. On productivity, not usury which is destroying our society and people. Also abolish the Federal income tax, inheritance and all capital gains taxes. Instead we can have a 1/2% transactional tax on all transactions, including Wall Street. This would finance the national and state governments. City councils can do likewise. We can institute national service. Two years in the military, or non-military service. Build national pride and use Montessori and Waldorf schools methodology, in all public schools. FDA no longer funded by big pharma and freedom to choose allopathic or homeopathic medicine no insurance denials. for lower income, working class citizens state hospitals and clinics will be staffed by newly graduated medical professionals. They can work in these institutions for 3 years in lieu of residency and the state will cover 50% of their tuition debt. All this can be done including a debt jubilee. First the people must be awakened from their sleep walking towards their inevitable doom. Time for action is now. Stay healthy, safe and strong. We live in dystopian perilous times.
Excellent historical perspective, especially about the history of and the weaponization of finance.
I've posted any number of times & places, take out City of London, DC, Pentagon, Tel Aviv & the Vatican, & the problems of the world will be largely resolved.
The Quran predicts that ~2000 years after Jesus' ascension, large wars will break out in the Middle East, then Jesus will return to fight & destroy the AntiChrist. And then rule for 40 years, bringing peace & justice.
Moslems believe another was crucified & Jesus ascended directly.
That would put these events right around...hmmm...checks calendar...2030.
Right around when WEF plans to complete its takeover of the world.
I hope we are around to find out.
Timing is everything.
Indeed it would.
Amazing, how the elites behind the stages keep the people busy and totally confused with "Sky Fairy'Tales" ...
It's about brute power, land grab, oil, gas, wheat, domination, nothing else ...
Actually it's about money. "The love of money is the root of all evil," said St. Paul.
After reaping/stealing millions, billions and trillions, money turns to be a rather boring issue. We've long sice entered the age of power and control of the globe, which both are much more spicy and tasty than printed paper or any kind of physical assets ...
While I agree it's about power, I see no good reason to insult people with sneers about the "sky fairy." Your ad hominem attacks do not serve your purpose, unless it is to end any discussion.
Thank You for making this, article. It's one of the best I've ever read. Simply put I was aware of a lot of the historical facts mentioned. But you've put them all together in a great way for many to realise & learn what had been going on for centuries. Being British in political discussions with friends & family. It's often mentioned Britain is a vassel state of America. Then something in geopolitics becomes apparent & it comes across that it's the British leading the Americans & the British making the most important decisions . Obviously ti's isn't always the case, but it happens. No other country would be tolerated by the American ruling elites. To even have an opinion in major decisions. If we take this Ukrainian conflict, it's always being stated the US/UK decision is this or that. No mention of the EU, in fact it's pretty obvious the EU is told exactly what it has to do & when to do it. Any rational person looking from the outside in, can see the British & American ruling classes are 2 cheeks of the same ass. This article totally spells out how the financial systems are interconnected or more precisely. How those controlling this system are totally connected.
Greatly appreciate your comments and insight.
Is he saying Britain or The City of London? Two very different things.
This is a deep topic. Please take a look at my chapter "Rule Britannia" from my book "Our Country, Then and Now." We all know that the international financial elite resides within the City. But the government of Britain does their bidding. It's also the Rothschild HQ but not only them.
Great historical perspective on what is really going on....outisde of the deceptive narratives, and fake history we've been taught by the very same scumbags that are pushing the global culling and conquest agenda. But alas, will the sheeple wake up, start seeking the truth and regain their critical thinking skills in time?
That's really the question, isn't it.
You've written an absolutely compelling history. As another comment replied, you've taken what many know from disparate angles and brought them together besides enlightening many of us who didn't know some of your details.
I don't have your extensive background in this realm having red pilled in 2015 in my 60s. I have come to one of your conclusions, however, by writing so frequently and often on the current Gaza Genocide. I, too, have concluded: "...today’s slide into World War III was to create the state of Greater Israel as a world-dominating force." The reason, I think, for the concentration and building of Greater Israel is simply One-world Governance. Look at a map of the Unified Combatant Commands through which the U.S. has divided the world. Greater Israel would control (also called "Central Command" rather than "Middle Eastern Command" or "East Asian Command") the huge land mass of Africa, Europe, Russia, and China. Scroll down for picture of map: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_combatant_command
I would also suggest looking for who hides behind whom. Certainly Israel has been visibly shaping the Middle East, but notice their conduct while Syria fell. The U.S. bombed only one day. They offered nothing as political rhetoric. Israel carried the heavy load by strikes on over 900+ targets. The U.S. hid behind Israel. We're pulling the strings but are the ones truly in control because **who else is supporting Israel financially and militarily?** Israel wouldn't exist without U.S. financial support. Look, too, to what conditions caused Syria to fall. I would point to the U.S.-imposed economic/financial sanctions which the U.S. enforced against all countries to gain compliance (except Russia and Iran).
Same with Ukraine. U.S. is the most visible proxy in this war, but consistently in the background, we have the UK pulling strings. They veto negotiations. They strong-arm NATO countries to provide arms and side with Ukraine. What role have they played in sabotaging the various pipelines and telecommunication cables? We need to think in terms of "factions" within those who drive the world toward one-world governance rather than countries. Some factions work better through certain U.S. administrations, but as you say, the U.S. is controlled no matter who wins "the presidency."
Also, I suggest that China is very much apart of the scheme as anyone else. No other reason exists for Larry Fink's BlackRock presence in China to "sell insurance"...which is an infiltration of their banking and financial systems. The Russian central bank is Rothschild.
Like the 19-20th century wars, the sides are artificially constructed. They'll collapse the U.S. when the time ultimately benefits them. The end goal for all is simply transhumanism and a greatly reduced Earth population. An elité group will be hooked up to AI-type of intelligence governing Earth and aborting human beings via fetuses grown in incubator-like pods whose consciousness is atrophied to suit the AI's needs. Notice in the younger ones that they look to the stars--once enabled by AI, they'll attempt full scale dominance of the solar system. By the inherent nature of 3D, they won't succeed. They'll probably blow up Earth as they did Mars most likely.
Good post. I agree on the excellence of the article in its comprehensiveness, perception, and clearly and credibly tying various histories and narratives together. But I share our reservations about China, Russia (and, by extension, BRICS overall). They have been "infiltrated," as you say, by the same usual suspects.
It's interesting that we went through this entire stage of history really being taught something else. Wonder where those thoughts came from ? Nothing moves without exchange. The necessity of all economics. Control the processes and values of the exchange and control everything. Ever consider why those hosting the WEF in Davos, Switzerland don't participate in the UN Agenda 2030 C40 SMART ICLEI designs. Why Bern and Geneva don't have CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS running around their towns ?
The WEF and the UN signed a memorandum of understanding to implement Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs on 4th May 2022. See this Xitter announcement made at the time: https://x.com/ninnyd101/status/1521863898244464640
Also reported with comment here: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/red-alert-un-and-wef-sign-agreement-to-accelerate-agenda-2030/
Not that this is the first time for me to ever do this, and I seriously think it is unlikely I will not ever do it again, given all of this, but I screamed at the top of my lungs, inside my head, listening to the announcement in this video, I screamed, "Who gave you permission to make these decisions for all of us??! We did not give this permission! You do not have my permission to do this to me! No, you do not."
I scream inside my head a lot, too, Bhavana! Bloody nerve of them! They have this weird idea that some individuals are 'stakeholders', and others are simply not... What sort of thinking is that? Every single life on earth is a stakeholder! Even the tiniest amoeba! Who are they to speak for all living beings?
Frances, they must believe they are 100% entitled to have whatever they want, along with all their ilk. They truly must believe that aside from them and their ilk, all the rest of us are nothing, simply here for their use. It is gross and disgusting to see that to them a soul means nothing, nor does any kind of true connection with humanity and nature, much less the higher energy fields. They know these things exist, but they also know they can never comprehend what real love is, what a true connection based on mutual honouring and respecting another is, so this must enrage them. Wow, this is just coming out of my head...I really have to take care of myself by not spending too much time contemplating them and their ways of using energy.
I have missed you. Thank you so much for this post today.
This is why I have wondered about North America welcoming Islamic culture. If Americans and Canadians are seen as enemies of Islam, why are they welcomed in? I do not have Islamic friends, but I have met a number of people from the culture, and they have all been lovely. This is very confusing...they do not feel like enemies. Perhaps they are more secular, that must be it.
Well there's one group of exclusives that claim "god" fundamentally gave them dominion over all others.
But if you say such things in the kangaroo-court cult The Truth Barrier, or defend yourself against the cursing Jewish or Christian acolytes of that very God, you are going to get the final solution of banishment.
"If you love freedom, it is time to fight like hell." This quote is over two years old. The need to fight like hell is greater than ever.
First class research, easy to understand what has happened, historically.
We don’t have much time left. The NASA report ‘The Future Is Now’ & Deagle report both forecast mass depopulation in 2025. Hold on to your seats!
Obviously our history of America has been falsified.
1- We had a major war against England. Typically, we should hate their guts?
2- During the independence war and the Civil War two countries came to our help; the Zar of Russia, and France. Now, we hate Russia, and we exclude France from the 5 eyes.
Hence as a colony of not too great Britain, we are still kissing their arse?
Indeed we are.
Are you saying Britain or The City of London?
Seems that the movers of all the world’s chess pieces operate out of the holy trinity of The City of London, D.C., and Vatican City. And upon close examination of the prominent players - Popes included - they are of a certain tribe of people, though they hide in plain sight by simply changing their names. Pick up a US quarter and have a good look at George Washington, for instance.
ALL history has been falsified. In my own reading I have found this to also include the history of the biological 'sciences' and the 3 great religions. It's amazing what you can pull off with a few strategic deletions & insertions along with mischievous misinterpretations and mistranslations.
2 examples. In biology - the great virology hoax since the 1950's. In Christianity - what Jesus and James were really doing under Roman occupation and how it relates to the ancient Greeks etc (taking an objective, non-religious look at original documents).
Have you read Biglino?
(the geometry of the Reich)
Two gangs of sophists hiding
Behind red-white and blue
To get the nod from Caesar
To tax and indict you:
That was Mzrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
You called her Lizzie two
She cared not one iota
What Miensters did to you:
The Fourth-Estate's an urger
You have to get that clue
They just have to remember
To render sum unto:
There are myopic corporate pyramids
On their expanding base of you
Where lodger boys draw gables
Agreed their greed is virtue:
This view, illuminati
Could make you feel quite blue
Unless you've sussed the formula
Which I will now reduce for you....
,,,,You take the base and times the base
You add the base onto
You take the bleeding sum of that
And divide the plebs by two ...ad infinitum:
An excellent pithy summary. Do you agree with Richard Poe per his recent book about the Russian Revolution? e.g. being run by the Brits with Trotsky as a British asset? He was interviewed recently by Crypto Rich. Poe mentioned the French Revolution was another British op as witnessed by Jefferson and Lafayette in Paris at the time.
Agree with both. Read my book "Our Country Then and Now."
I'll add that to my Amazon basket. Thanks.
It reads like the Protocols which is actually a very important document in understanding modern history. Douglas Reed thinks the Protocols are meeting notes.
I have an abiding distrust of the notion that the Black Nobility is still at the top of the oligarchal food chain. Names and receipts are rarely proffered. Whether one accuses the Illuminati, the Masons, the Committee of 300, or any other large shadowy group, the bottom line is that cabal Jews have infiltrated them all, as well as have their own controlling interests. Names can be named and a gazillion receipts are readily available for a day in court to prove it. IMO, pointing to the Black Nobility and the like is a feint, witting or unwitting.
America Is a Gentile Nation
So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?
I understand.
Excellent piece Richard!
Thanks Dean. Appreciate your support!
I very much appreciate being mentioned in note ii. How kind you are Richard!
Of course I was thrilled to read your article, first seen on the Global Research website, and so I came here to find the original.
You rip and roar through the entire story at a breathtaking pace, roping all the self-serving wannabes into a network of actors and actions leading inevitably to a full exposure of the intended totalitarian global governance.
I don't know if you have seen my article expressing my theory about the near future for us all, nor if you are aware of the apparent imminent removal of financial power to Astana in Kazakhstan. Assuming from your work that you have not, I add links to the relevant Substack articles in the hope that you will find time to check them out and offer me an opinion.
Thanks again for writing such a brilliant and satisfying piece which I have cross-posted with great pleasure!
Michael Hudsons The Collapse of Antiquity discusses different economic systems.
Hudson is one of the few real experts in the field.
Excellent, informative and a true history read!!!
Excellent essay. Everywhere you look you can see the hand of the rootless cosmopolitans reeking chaos and havoc throughout the western world. Our societies need a total and complete overhaul. Mandatory is the abolition of the Federal Reserve, and the creation of a US Labor Dollar debt free and based on work. On productivity, not usury which is destroying our society and people. Also abolish the Federal income tax, inheritance and all capital gains taxes. Instead we can have a 1/2% transactional tax on all transactions, including Wall Street. This would finance the national and state governments. City councils can do likewise. We can institute national service. Two years in the military, or non-military service. Build national pride and use Montessori and Waldorf schools methodology, in all public schools. FDA no longer funded by big pharma and freedom to choose allopathic or homeopathic medicine no insurance denials. for lower income, working class citizens state hospitals and clinics will be staffed by newly graduated medical professionals. They can work in these institutions for 3 years in lieu of residency and the state will cover 50% of their tuition debt. All this can be done including a debt jubilee. First the people must be awakened from their sleep walking towards their inevitable doom. Time for action is now. Stay healthy, safe and strong. We live in dystopian perilous times.
This would be an outstanding program. Thank you.