Instead of contemplating our navel as Christians - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/04/jesus-christ-to-his-church-do-your-job.html?m=0 - what say we DO OUR JOB!

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Suggest you take a look at his book "The Wisdom of St. John." Best book on Christianity I have ever read, and I have read many.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Richard C

Sir Richard - I can't read all the books recommended to me. I can barely keep up with my daily scanning of sites which are the sources for compiling DaLimbraw Library. I'm also a very slow reader - I just started your book - but I'll keep at it.

But here's the bottom line - in the last 20 some years - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-conversion-of-dispensational-pre.html?m=0 - read all these books to really get a handle on Christianity!

Keep at it, friend - the battle is just beginning for us - it began shortly after creation!

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Hello Richard, as a layman I found your article very interesting. I never heard of the German Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943) . It sort of reminds me of the German mystic healer named Bruno Groning (1906-1959) who many also never heard of. Was known to heal countless people but preached no new religion. Argued for people to stick to their own religion but have faith in a higher power was key. Groning was persecuted by govt and medical authorities til death which probably provoked his cancer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNlXuclHhVc

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I would guess that Groning likely knew of Bô Yin Râ who had thousands of readers in the German-speaking world. During the late 1920s he moved to Switzerland. Today there are foundations in Europe that carry on his work. You would probably find his work interesting.

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Yes, will definitely look into BYR. I never took the Groning phenomena seriously until I went to Groning group sessions for healing just outside Montreal. There I met a physicist (also author of light healing machines, inventor, former president of Intl Light Assoc, and spent time in India with yogis as a young adult), former engineering executive who was well read on suppressed history, geo-politics, etc...,and the animator of the group sessions was a retired psycho therapists who spent time in India too with yogis and had a close relationship with a late PM of Canada.

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Most interesting. I wish you well with your journey.

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Interesting read.

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Thanks. Reading Bô Yin Râ's book changed my life. And I am a Christian.

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