
Excellent points. Xi and Putin both seem to have respect for their own people. Globalists have none. It's all $$$ for them.

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Fantastic compilation. Thank you!

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May 11Liked by Richard C

Good summary, and to add one more point to the statement: "Another is the epidemic of autism likely caused by the proliferation of vaccinations inflicted on children." The increase in childhood vaccinations, which has led to a huge increase in autism and other developmental disorders, is also causing an increase in transgender youth. This comes with added benefits for the depopulation gang; not only do trans surgeries and the associated pharma drugs open a new profit horizon, they also prevent reproduction.



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May 11·edited May 12Liked by Richard C

This article is not really clear on what is actually being proposed -- a new World War, by other means.

The world population in 1940 and the start of World War II (1939) was approximately 2.5-billion people. Today, the world population is approximately 8-billion.

The whole concept of what World War III will look like is inconceivable. The world just doesn't have the kind of resources necessary to fight a conventional conflict today. The amount of crude oil used up fighting World War 2 is still classified, to this day. Also, at current world population levels, there just aren't enough resources in men and material to fight a World War today. The world is running out of those kinds of resources -- real crude oil, real coal, real natural gas, real raw materials, real minerals, and real rare earths. Conventional warfare today is just too pricey all the way around.

That's not to say that World War III won't involve plenty of conventional conflict, but only for the short term. For the long term we would see the kind of death, but that would achieve nothing. From what used to be referred to as unconventional means will come both nuclear and biological warfare, along with other means the general public knows nothing about. These are much more efficient means by which to reduce the world's excess population.

Another variable that no longer applies to fighting and winning another World War is the kind of death required. As this article points out, that's just not the case anymore.

The civilian to combatant fatality ratio in World War II lies somewhere between 3:2 and 2:1, or from 60% to 67%. Common knowledge.

During World War II, almost two-thirds of all deaths were civilians. This significant proportion resulted from various factors, including war-related famine, disease, and atrocities. The ratio of military to civilian deaths varied significantly by country. Overall, the estimated global death toll during World War II was between 70 to 85 million people, which accounted for approximately 3% of the world’s population at the time.

With current world population standing around 8-billion people, removing 3-percent of the world's population in another World War would come to 240-million people. That's just for starters.

Here’s a breakdown of the casualties during World War 2:

Civilian Deaths -- Approximately 50–55 million civilians lost their lives during the war.

Military Deaths -- Military fatalities from all causes totaled 21–25 million, including deaths in captivity (around 5 million prisoners of war).

Republic of China and Soviet Union -- More than half of the total casualties were from these two countries. This was before Stalin engaged in his purges of an additional 25-million Russians beginning in 1945.

Other Factors --An additional estimated 19–28 million deaths occurred due to war-related diseases and famine.

The immense loss of life during World War II used to underscore the devastating impact of armed conflicts on both military personnel and civilians alike. That is just not the case anymore. The scale and scope of death from another World War are hardly imaginable, even comprehensible.

IMO, another World War would reduce the world's population back to where it was in 1940, easily. Still more than the 500,000 (or was that 500-million?) people, persons like Henry Kissinger thought was ideal. Knowing Kissinger, I would lean more towards a world population of 500,000. Still better than ZERO I suppose.

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May 11Liked by Richard C

Very interesting summary

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May 17Liked by Richard C

A very good synopsis of the present day fight between good and evil. Nature will prevail. However, we should alway do the right thing and help to expose and banish those that are involved and support the WHO, WHA and WEF who plan and commit genocide

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May 11Liked by Richard C

100% SPOT ON!

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Thanks very much for your support.

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May 11Liked by Richard C

"Some of America’s leading billionaires . . . met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population [culling the herd of people the billionaires didn't like and didn't want around] and speed up improvements in health and education [for the people they did like and did want around].”

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May 28Liked by Richard C

Amazing read bro. Soup to nuts denoument to the stories of our lives. I am curious about one thing though.

How could you possibly top that?

A concise literary guide to our destruction by fiat.

Every player, every move on the devil's chessboard.

Holy cannoli, and other assorted desserts.

Please continue shining that light brother.

But, seriously, how can you top that? Amazing read Hoss

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You are basing this article mostly on Western Sources. But you've noted that "...[after] December 10, 1974, [when] completed top-secret document entitled National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200 document [was] published..." there was "...the first major international population conference in Bucharest [Romania] ..." which at the time was under Ceauçescu, and a member state of CCCP Soviet Union.

Do we know what this part of the world was thinking/planning re: population culling?

What about China?

What about Muslim countries?

India? Japan??

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Good questions. I haven't done much research on other parts of the world.

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Scary stuff. How does XI and Putin fit in here? Both seems to be heavily pushing family values to get them back up to replacement. No other leaders do... bc they hate us and work for globalists I think...Basically everyone now is below replacement values save Muslim/Africa and all the elites have to do is wait a few generations to get to thier goal. Taiwan and SK <1 fertility rates now!! Humans need 2.1 just to sustain same populations. Almost everyone crashing well below that. But maybe these extinction level fertility rates are not fast enough for global elites...

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Three Sages, to this I say,; Shut these evil beasts down - Cut off their tentacles - Burn the books of their supposed history - Choose to practice love, live love, be love and the world will become a better place.

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This article is yet another excellent example of diagnosing the problem and providing useful information in service to education of the masses. And there are many similar efforts of others, as noted by the author. Now I ask, of what use is a doctor who can only diagnose an illness? In other words, when do you take the next step and utilize some brain power to offer a remedy for what ails us? Isn't that the real purpose of detailed analysis in the first place; to inform and facilitate an action plan as remedy? Are we just documenting our demise? As a species, do we deserve to prevail over our downfall if we just stay on the sideline as observers?

The Globalists have been proactively pursuing their agenda with both mental energy and tangible actions. Can we overcome this with evermore erudite and detailed analysis alone? I think not.

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Thank you for your insightful comments.

I certainly agree with you that action is needed, not just analysis and diagnosis.

Each of us with the Three Sages website has published extensively offering positive programs to implement our ideas. I suggest you consult the list of works you will find there from Dr. Lama, Dr. Coleman, and myself, Richard Cook. We each have included the results of lifetimes of work and study.

Thanks again for your support.

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May 17Liked by Richard C

the law itself as we know does not always do the right thing. We must apply social pressure this is the only way we create change. Expose the wrong doers and banish them

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Are you on X? Tried to find your name but nothing.

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