Very interesting! I think this is the gigantic elephant in the room. God speed Mr Kennedy - and beef up security, which I should imagine is happening.

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Well written and interesting! In regards to ending the Fed, I agree; however, the system that was set up during the 1830s/1840s by the Jacksonians, in my view, didn't actually end in 1913, although thats started an important middle act (although I sort of start it with the banking act of 1935 which greatly weakened the regional Feds), the system really ended in the 1970s/early 1980s (mostly, there were some bits in pieces done latter in the 1990s, with a set of identifiable actions that verifiably occurred but our system sort of pretends didnt, like the effective nullification of of interstate banking inhibitors by regulators allowing things like cross state border brokered accounts, or them changing the laws regarding credit unions (that may be a USA thing, sorry if your not familiar) so that they havent actually been credit unions our whole lives, the behavior of pension funds, of insurance funds, etc.

And we had very unique features in these regards as well, we had a truly decentralized system of systems, this gave us all the benefits of a large continental fully integrated capital market WHILE also providing the benefits of local nd regional capital flow inhibitors and biases. It was genius in its design.

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I invite you to read my book, Our Country Then and Now.


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Every American citizen should read this book. It is the closest thing to an honest history of America I have ever found. It will provide an excellent background for what President Trump is trying to reform, and let us all pray that he succeeds.

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For the most part unreadable to someone without some economic/monetary background. Whole paragraphs were meaningless to me. Maybe a primer is needed first to help the run of mill citizen understand. That is who votes after all.

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I strongly urge you to read my book "Our Country Then and Now" for a comprehensive overview of US monetary history. Then this essay will make sense to you. I have been writing on this subject since retiring in 2007 after 21 years with the US Treasury Department. You can find dozens of my articles on Global Research and elsewhere and on the Three Sages blog.


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Get more ppl exposed to this. Joe Rogan. Lex Friedman.

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That's a great idea. Actually I have reached out to many people over the last 20 years but few grasp the principles. Feel free to promote. Also see yesterday's article I posted from Elizabeth Kucinich.

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