Older associate of mine, much jabbed, has to keep his leg elevated due to a thrombosis. This means he cannot conduct his small jazzband. The hard part for me is that almost no one in this town is even willing to speak honestly about all this. They are completely in the dark and I feel such a responsibility to not stay silent anymore. It's just too much to see.

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Your friend is lucky to be alive after all those jabs. Each successive jab increases the danger of a fatal result. Tell him to seek chelation therapy. EDTA is a powerful anticoagulant. It might help restore circulation to your friend’s leg.

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Vernon, may I make some minor corrections? Because it is an important piece it should be as perfect as possible.

SARS (1) had a mortality rate of 10% based on ~ 8,000 identified cases.

MERS is claimed to have a mortality rate of 35% of identified cases. (https://www.emro.who.int/health-topics/mers-cov/mers-outbreaks.html)

Vaccines are usually made of a protein antigen, but there are other types of vaccines, especially attenuated live viruses. Anthrax vaccine, another example, has many unspecified materials in it (it is not purified) which probably serve to increase immunogenicity (as well as side effects).

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As the author of the hypothesis, I too welcome corrections. There are numerous confusing aspects of these recent viral SARS, MERS, COVID and OMICRON contagions that are most simply explained by deliberate disinformation and misinformation related to the fact that all of them are laboratory monstrosities concocted by people with evil intentions.1 For example, I recall that the Fauci Fakir claimed even before these unprecedented viral contagions appeared that they would spontaneously “mutate” into new and different contagions. This propaganda is at odds with the research of Max Delbruck and Salvador Luria that proved that mutations occur at random regardless of environmental stresses. In the face of such confusing and contradictory “news” I relied on Occams Razor to formulate my hypothesis in hopes of identifying the simplest, and therefore most likely correct explanation.

I don’t purport to be an expert in vaccines, but I am aware that the Sabin polio vaccine was composed of attenuated polio viruses. I have also read that the Sabin vaccine caused polio symptoms years after administration, while the original Salk vaccine is now considered safer.

We know that many viruses possess the ability to exaggerate their virulence in the presence of crowding of their hosts, notably the influenza virus and the numerous viruses that cause the “common cold,” including the coronavirus. This explains why the “common cold” becomes more common in winter, when people are crowded indoors.

As for anthrax, it is caused by a bacterium, as opposed to a virus, and bacteria lack the characteristic that enables viruses to exaggerate their virulence in the presence of crowding of their hosts.

Meanwhile, SARS, MERS, COVID, OMICRON, are all hyper-virulent versions of the coronavirus. I therefore hypothesize that the differences in their virulence results from the ability to “weaponize” these viruses by artificially exaggerating their virulence, with or without crowding of their victims. The ability to exaggerate coronavirus virulence was noted in Scientific American around 2011, but it was probably achieved years before that.2,3

It also seems noteworthy that the symptoms and manifestations of SARS, MERS, and COVID were remarkably similar to those of the notorious 1918 influenza epidemic that killed more people than the bullets and bombs of WWI. Like influenza, they all caused loss of hair, taste, smell, and sometimes sight, plus prolonged weakness and fatigue and sudden unexplained deaths in healthy young people.4 Therefore, I hypothesize that the influenza virus and the coronavirus share a very similar ability to exaggerate their virulence in the presence of crowded victims.4

I recollected from the “news” (all of which is questionable these days) that when SARS first appeared in China, it was extremely deadly and often killed the health care workers who were exposed to its victims. This caused considerable alarm, so I was surprised to learn that it had a relatively low mortality rate of only 10%.

I don’t recollect hearing much about MERS in the American “news” but when I investigated it I learned that it appeared in Iran a few years after the SARS outbreak. In Iran, poor people commonly live in crowded, unsanitary conditions. Therefore, I suspected that MERS was a somewhat less virulent weaponized version of the coronavirus that was intended to last longer in the wild than SARS. Confounding factors can confuse statistics. For example, MERS could have proved deadlier than SARS because of the greater crowding and/or inferior sanitation of its victims in Iran. Its lesser virulence may also have allowed it to persist longer and kill more victims. Statistics are tricky and are meaningless in the absence of testable mechanisms. Therefore, these statistical disparities do not refute my hypothesis.

Last, but not least, I think it is important to note that the mRNA “vaccines” purport to induce an effective immune response to RNA. This seems preposterous. Both DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides, of which there are only four, and nucleotides are chemically distinct from proteins. The only difference between the DNA or RNA of a human versus a sea slug is the patterns in which the four nucleotides are arranged. It seems unlikely that the immune mechanism can distinguish such differences. Furthermore, I am not aware of any successful vaccine that has ever been composed of RNA or DNA. All successful vaccines are composed of proteins purified from bacterial cell walls or viral “capsids” (the protein coat that surrounds viral RNA). Preparing a useful vaccine begins with purification of bacterial or viral proteins followed by years of careful animal safety testing followed by human trials. This takes years. Strangely, nobody seems to have questioned this obvious disparity.

I hypothesize that pharmaceutical companies used modern enzyme techniques that rapidly replicate either DNA or RNA. That is how they prepared large quantities of weaponized coronavirus RNA within weeks at minor expense, so that they reaped gigantic profits at public expense via government subsidies. The weaponized mRNA was never intended to produce benefit of any sort. It was intended to function as a weapon of mass murder or genocide. This is tantamount to treason, for the health of the state and the survival of civilization depends on the health of its citizens. Whoever participated in the COVID conspiracy deserves to be dealt with accordingly.

1 Coleman, L. S. Are the COVID mRNA Vaccination Injections Thinly-Disguised Genocide? VT Uncensored Foreign Policy (2024, February 26). <https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/02/are-the-covid-mrna-vaccination-injections-thinly-disguised-genocide/#comment-10318>.

2 Interlandi, J. Contagion: Controversy Erupts over Man-Made Pandemic Avian Flu Virus, <https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/contagion-controversy-erupts/> (2011).

3 Interlandi, J. A man-made contagion, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22295668> (2012).

4 Coleman, L. S. The Mammalian Stress Mechanism Explains COVID, Long COVID, and Sudden Death. Science Set Journal of Cardiology Research (2023). https://www.mkscienceset.com/articles_file/937-_article1692189623.pdf

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Please see Dr. Coleman's response below.

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Thank you!

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Very concerning considering the current collagen supplement fad. Would they exacerbate and/or contribute to clotting?

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These are quite different mechanisms.

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