If they tried, with real success chances, any one thing on your policy goal list, both Trump and Vance would be killed within 2 months, this time in a no chances taken fashion.

Elected officials may he able to take on those political pursuits only if one day a critical mass of the population be aware of the issues...

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When you see how Trump has benefited from the assassination attempt you realise it (the assassination) was all a piece of theatre.

If in doubt always follow the money.

That doesn’t make Trump a bad guy. He just plays smart.

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Excuse me Sir, but your cynicism is showing.

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The videos show that the first 3 shots were from the Secret Service sniper firing AT THE SHOOTER in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of the stage.

So how could Trump, or anyone behind him, get shot???


The Secret Service broke all protocol in order for Trump to get The Money Shot.

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Another cynic.

There always has to be an ulterior motive for those who don't believe in, or value, the integrity of another person.

I can understand this with the Leftists because they project their debauchery onto others, but the Conservatives are predominantly more moral in their behavior and beliefs.

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Not cynical Noel, just following the evidence.

And the evidence shows this was a staged fake shooting.

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So your saying the Secret Service actually were complicit in staging a "fake" shooting?

Why would they do that for President Trump, the man they have been ordered to hound and harass for 8 solid years?

And tell me, the man who got killed protecting his wife and daughter, was he also a fake?

And the others who were wounded, were they in on the "fake" shooting too?

Or were they just "collateral" damage?

Please point me in the direction of this supposed evidence, I'd love to have a good laugh.

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"...the man who got killed..."

Is this your first Fallse Flag shooting?

The alleged "victim" will probably be found living down the street from Christa McAullife and the other NOT DEAD crew of the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster.

Watch the videos Noel. It was staged.

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