Jul 4Liked by Richard C

MacGregor has fired a metaphorical shot across the bow. Shock therapy. It is unfortunate but true that the timing over the Fourth of July madness daze was chosen for the release of this critically important message.

Though, historically resonant with our national holiday and thus possessed of intensely moving resonance to those of us who pay attention to the ongoing demise of our ruptured republic...the attention span of Joe Sixpack and Jane with her second household job to make ends meet...has fallen by the wayside of the freeway as those few days of time off from the time clock have devolved into a "get away from it all" attitude.

One would hope that this "shot across the bow" is something more than a passing fancy and that follow-up messagings are already beyond the planning stages. "Cry the Beloved Country", though Alan Paton's title for a haunting novel about South Africa some 70+ years ago, that message can be considered as the inner core of MacGregor's deep concern for the future of our homeland.

As for the Department of Homeland $ecurity...unfortunately since its creation after the 911 Inside Job...Is an outpost firmly in enemy hands. That institution is led by an alien appointee who was chosen by the Deep $tate. It seems obvious that its current program is to keep eyes and ears on traditional Americans who genuinely believe in "liberty and justice for all".

If our beloved homeland was to be secure, that DH$ would focus all its attention in halting the surge of illegal immigrants and promptly deporting them to their own homelands.

Why are so many heading here to the U.S., one might ask. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that enemy institutions such as Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street are buying up the farmlands in their nations, while at the same time destroying many of their small businesses. Many of those desperados are in that state of mind because the globalists are busy destroying their native economies.

We have a lot of housecleaning to do. I don't know about "Making America Great Again". But I do hope that Colonel MacGregor and his associates have devised a strategy that would make America America Again.

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If recent conversations and reactions to comments are any guide, the partisans (including pro-Trump and pro-RFK Jr.) are going to flip out before reading to the end, and likely still even then. But there are some issues and concerns I felt like I needed to raise on behalf of my own niche faction of the US political commentariat/voter/dissident community.

1. RFK Jr. and Trump are at least as bad or worse on the Israeli settler colonial apartheid genocide project in occupied Palestine. Perhaps the former due to his likely accurate suspicions that Israel played a major role in the deaths of his father, uncle and possibly even cousin. But that's neither here nor there where the rubber of policy would hit the road in his administration given his voluminous and strident past statements on Israel and Zionism. Needless to say, Biden is not the topic here, since we've all already seen how he's "handled" it. But RFK Jr's stance on Israel-Palestine directly and would thus materially contradict his supposed anti-Imperial bona-fides and Trump has said several times that Bibi and the Israelis need to "finish the job."

2. I agree with RFK Jr. fully on Ukraine, the plot to destabilize and balkanize the RF and the expansion of NATO. Problem there is that Trump wasn't all that much better. His interest in Ukraine and Russia were/are tied to his (justified) desire to investigate and punish those responsible for the Russiagate (and then Ukrainegate) fiascos and how they hamstrung his first administration. As well, to expose the Democrat-Ukraine election interference nexus (while giving Israel another "pass"). https://x.com/mtracey/status/1807541656029176203

3. Flynn was OK in my book until he went full-retard on Qanon. Was that performative, or did he really believe it? Are there some truths to that vast conspiracy theory of everything that tries to cover it all? Of course, but it's so vast that it naturally covers a lot; in the same way I view Alex Jones as controlled opposition put out there to destroy the credibility of the 9/11, JFK and other "truth" movements. No comment on Pizzagate. But If thinking adults believe that this is some uniquely Democrat/Globalist Satanic attempt to undermine all that is good and holy, there is little I can do to change their minds at this point. What I will say is that the Epstein operation was yet another Israeli-CIA honeypot type entrapment/blackmail operation that ensnared Demo-rats and Rethugs (including the Trump wing) alike. Regardless, Qanon is useless and an engineered rabbit hole designed to distract attention from the real conspiracies at work.

4. If either Trump or RFK Jr. (I haven't kept up with the latter) would genuinely push to audit (and abolish!) the Fed, I'd be a lot more sympathetic to their candidacies. Thing is, I don't think either of them would (or want to) seriously try.

5. Regarding the mass influx of illegal immigrants, as with other issues, I'm a Cause->Effect person. And the majority of migrants currently being infiltrated into the country by the Genocide Joe regime are from Venezuela. That's the "effect." The "cause" is Trump's continuation and massive amplification of George W. Bush's campaign to destroy the socialist government there through (illegal) economic sanctions, regime change and coup attempts, and other forms of sabotage. It's amazing when you look at the charts. 10 years ago very few migrants - comparatively - were coming here from Venezuela. And now it's the majority. Trump hired Eliot Abrams, known war criminal, to handle his Venezuela policy. The results are predictable. That Biden hasn't lifted the sanctions yet is of a kind with the fact that Biden is also almost indistinguishable from Trump on Israel policy despite whinging and whining from Bibi and the far-right Likudniks there. IOW, Biden is fine with crushing Venezuela albeit in a more "passive" and "quiet" manner - with the usual assist from the complicit corporate liberal MSM (and conservatives of course). This is, therefore, a false choice. No amount of walls (unless comprehensively straddling the US-MX border and topped with machine gun turrets) are going to stop people from Venezuela leaving and trying to get into the US with the damage that the economic warfare has wreaked on that country - all to get rid of a socialist government.

On that topic, I do also understand that Biden's *alleged* "open door! come one come all!" policies (or the appearance thereof) definitely encourage more people to make the brutal, often deadly trek to our southern border. But that is a small fraction of the people fleeing economic wreckage - and I won't get into a debate on whether or how badly Maduro has run the country. It is outside of my control - or ostensible ability to change things. What I can do is vote for candidates who leave them the fuck alone and stop the coup attempts and Monroe Doctrine sabre rattling.

Don't get me started about what I think Trump and John Bolton - almost certainly either at the direct request of the Zionist Occupation Government, or through his and Bolton's own genuinely and strongly held pro-Zionist beliefs - were trying to accomplish with the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani who was in Iraq on diplomatic functions. Frankly I think Trump (or people in his cabinet) were hoping to spark a greater Iran-Israel-Lebanon war (considering the bogus Abraham Accords which would sideline Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Monarchies or simply make them accept US military use of the airfields we have there and Turkey) and that Trump (at the time, no idea what his current mindset is) planned to go to direct war with Iran if he was elected for a 2nd term in 2020.

6. As to an early presidential election; no real comment here. Neither Trump nor the Democrats offer me anything I'd be willing to vote for anyway, and I don't live in a "swing state" - so it wouldn't matter to me or for me at all. Biden is a barely walking, non-functioning mental zombie and the erstwhile head of a corrupt international crime syndicate that has us on the verge of nuclear war with Russia while simultaneously seeming to share the exact same policies vis-a-vis Israel and Palestine/Iran/Hezbollah. I am no defender of or voter for Biden, under any circumstances and the same holds for ANY candidate that the corporate Democrats might foist on their supporters between now and November.

What would having an early/snap presidential election accomplish?

7. Lastly, and whether anyone reading likes it or not, it was the Trump administration - with direct approval if not desire on behalf of the man himself (according to Craig Murray of the UK) - that indicted Julian Assange in 2019, despite Obama's unwillingness/refusal to, and then added a superseding indictment in 2020. I do not approve of Biden's handling of the matter in the time since - other than that Julian is now finally a free man, no longer held in England's version of a US "supermax" and tortured daily - and this is a frequent bone of contention with Trump supporters I know, but what kind of moron does it take to believe that the man who actively indicted Assange where the previous (hated) administration hadn't, was suddenly going to pardon him if he got re-elected? Sorry, but that's copium partisan bullshit. At the very least it indicates that Trump was and is willing to use Julian Assange as a political football for his own benefit.

We have ZERO good choices. If I lived in a swing state, however, I might be persuaded to vote for RFK Jr. but there would have to be some major negative developments between now and then, so I'll either not vote or cast my ballot for Jill Stein.

Rant over.

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