"Who then paid for Lincoln’s death? It was a question that was never answered or even investigated. But it was a great loss. In the words of German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898):"

This reminded me of JFK and investigation thereof...prior to his assassination Dulles was fired as CIA, then the assassination occurred, only to have Dulles pronounced head of Warren Commission to investigate his death. Interesting. By the way I have a JFK red-lined 1963 United States Note in my possession ( not a federal reserve note).

Very good article here, some details I was not aware of - good work! 👏

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Yes, JFK was in process of issuing "Greenbacks"!

Thanks for your comments. It was essentially the same outfit behind all the assassinations--Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy. IMHO

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Love the history. Henry Carey, Lincoln's Chief economic advisor described what happened in the economy when the greenbacks were issued ”...for the first time, too, in the history of the world, there has been presented a community in which nearly all business was done for cash, and in which debt has scarcely an existence…there has been a large and general diminution of the rate of interest…traders have therefore become more independent of the capitalist, while the country at large has become more independent of the ‘wealthy capitalists’ of Europe.”

We need to yank their magic money carpet out from under them.

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This is a fantastic quote from Henry Carey.

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My mind shudders at the thought of what the WEF curriculum for past-sell-by-date 'students' must look like. I suspect that the degradation and madness quotients must be quite high. If you doubt that, look at the 'graduates'.

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Dear Richard

I will publish your article tomorrow...

Good Friday, April 6, 1917

On December 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. On that day, our country was finagled from us by usurious counterfeiters. Since that day, the debt slavery Shylock charlatans, have grown evermore embolden in their quest for the complete dominance in every aspect of society and personal life.

by Mark R. Elsis


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How timely. London and Perfidious Albion loom like a giant, evil shadow behind all Western modern history. How many know that Lincoln and the USA were supported in maintaining their legitimate claim to government by the Russian Czar and his navy? And that, more importantly, France and England sided with the South in order to Divide and Rule.

Everything old is new again.

Canada MUST be destroyed.

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Stay tuned to the series. We'll be coming to the chapter "Rule Britannia" where the story is told of British subversion over 500+ years. One of the big mistakes people make is to believe that Canada is a sovereign nation. It is not.

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Canada, as a nation, is a fiction. Canadahar is less of one. Looking forward to the inquest.

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Yep, the usual suspects!

Another fascinating quote that I didn't know about..."“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”[i]

More dots connected...thank you

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