“Yet to achieve the happiness you desire, you must fight with unshakeable energy and sustain your faith in the inevitable victorious power of all that is good, despite all evil and despite all negativity you may meet. However grim the storm clouds which gather menacingly above your head, you must never lose courage!
“And once you have in fact created your own happiness, you have forever liberated mankind from one of the innumerable swamps of grief, created through the thoughtlessness and ignorance of millennia and only capable of being dried up by the ‘suns' of individuals who found their happiness within.
“The more plentiful these truly happy individuals become on earth, the more will the power of chaos, which still causes so much misery, disappear from its surface. Attempting to eliminate the world’s afflictions any other way would merely be the wasted toil of Sisyphus…”
--Bô Yin Râ
If the earth were a big dead rock with no life (which of course would not have the name Earth), well, things would be pretty quiet, just wind, if there was even wind. Lets say no wind. Nothing, a rock asteroid. But, it seems to me Earth is real. This life seems pretty real; things can hurt, have consequences, dirt under the fingernails.
This simple fact can give a strange comfort.
But only if the Earth is allowed to function in a healthy way. Not with the idjuts doing their best to kill off/mess up all natural biological life on earth. Perhaps they have already succeeded, due to the profusion of the strange electronically sensitive poisons.
Their goals so inhuman, un-human, unnatural.
I come to this from a pre-Christian pre bibles perspective; when humans first started caring for their injured and old, and came to burying them with some care, a few flowers. The decentralized past.