By Richard C. Cook
November 12, 2024
I just want to introduce this topic to the readers of the Three Sages Substack, though I don’t have time to elaborate on it very much right now.
I recently made a comment to a reader who had broached the topic of the Christian religion that it’s my own view that St. Paul was the founder of Christianity whereas Jesus was the savior of humanity.
People are certainly free to accept or reject Christianity, or any other religion, but no one can reject Jesus for the simple reason that he has already accomplished his mission and opened the door for salvation even for those who may never even have heard of him!
I began searching for Jesus around the time I was 18 years old. This was after I had stopped going to church but had begun to think seriously for myself. That was 60 years ago.
Eventually I was led to the writings of German spiritual author Bô Yin Râ and have begun to publish some short articles about Bô Yin Râ on Three Sages, including transcripts of some chapters from his books; specifically on “Karma” and “War and Peace.” I have also published reviews of some of his books, such a The Book on the Living God and The Book on Life Beyond.
To make a long story short, Bô Yin Râ, who lived as Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken from 1876-1943, was/is a member of the same order of divine/human “Mediators” as Jesus was/is. Another name for this group is the “Luminaries.” At any given time, there are Luminaries living in human mortal bodies to provide spiritual energy/guidance to people open to their help.
Above the Luminaries are divine beings who live in the spiritual world that surrounds and interpenetrates the material world of terrestrial existence. Some of these beings are “saints” or “angels” who once lived on earth, while others are beings who never had to experience the “Fall” into material existence that we are now suffering through.
That’s all I am going to try to explain for now. Please take a look at what Bô Yin Râ has to say. He makes it clear that all divinely-inspired religions have the same core of meaning. But he also advises against anyone’s trying to start a new religion and specifically warns us against people who claim to do so.
Anyway, “thanks for letting me share.”
Who is Jesus Christ? God with skin on.
Aldous Huxley wrote The Perennial Philosophy in the 30s, I think. I used to have a slim paperback. I can't be bothered with those who believe, in the 21st century, that only their religion can deliver the "goods", and even that others who belong to other religions, or none at al,l are eternally damned. There's still a lot of that here in Scotland, where the Protestant religion has fissured into God knows (sorry) how many sub-religions and sects. On the other hand, there was an ecumenical summit in Edinburgh in the 90s.