Obviously life involves risk: getting up in the morning and heading for work entails risk at many levels. So does marriage. So does having and raising children. But there are calculated risks, and there are many ways of preparing for and mitigating risk, including keeping oneself and one’s family healthy, wholesome, balanced, and committed to an intelligent lifestyle.
But the epidemic of live and on-line gambling currently afflicting the U.S. is another story altogether. We only have to see the advertising of sports gambling on TV to witness massive idiocy at play. This includes the incessant exploitation of student athletes by sucking them into the gambling miasma. Or the licentious advertisements now appearing on Virginia’s new casino on I-95 outside Washington, D.C.
We can allow ourselves to make an exception for the modest casinos now being allowed for Indian tribes, as it is one of the few ways that can make up for centuries of societal grand larceny in stealing their land and breaking all of the treaties made with them by the government. Also, a little gambling as recreation is relatively harmless, as church-run Bingo games also attest or pay-for-play bridge tournaments.
But addiction to gambling ruins individuals and families. Gambling is often done with credit cards or borrowed money. And the gambling industry is saturated with organized crime, even where it is “legal.”
Once again, we turn to Russian media to give us some perspective on the depths to which the U.S. has fallen. Here is an article from RT.com: “Prof. Schlevogt’s Compass No. 11: Legitimizing gambling – a study of the ‘Liberal Warfare Toolbox’: Liberals hail the explosive growth of gambling in the US. Their deregulation advocacy reveals patterns used to justify other evils, too.”
i learned something sweet from james true not long ago involving casino games. i was studying the son circle 6 square by 6 square all in them 36 digits giving 666 on every corner, bet you know which i mean So here i was really surprised when James told the roulette is a 36 number spinning circle.
Is there any other reason to stop the roulette game at 36 numbers if not to give praise to ba'al and the 666 numbers? red for white and black. spining endlessly like our life is always on under lady luck. the only winning number being the 0 out of this square.
question about addiction, like any duality is a neccessity for its opposite to exist. Would you consider a good idea to choose a controlable or virtuous addiction to keep this vice under control? Addiction is one of the many root of the tree of will (volonté)
A scholar is addicted to learning
A casanova is addicted to woman
A scientist is addicted to confirming proof
A junkie is addicted to dope
A fighter is addicted to violence
A monk is addicted to zen and peace of mind
A mother is often addicted to her children
A father is addicted to the security he can provide to his family
A workaholic is addicted to ambition...or money
here i just gave a few (I dont have all the above) of my addiction in life. some are good some are bad, and i'm not even talking bout my gambling. ok i WAS a poker player, made money of this for 3 years and i stoped. fun time it was. And yes i am a dadma, or a fother, i dont know what creepy word to chose but i raised my sons alone for 10 year.
What i do is when i locate an addiction, i try to swap it for a lesser damaging one. The opposite of addiction is repulsion. A man who would repulse everything would not be a part of this world. So we gotta find a sweet middle i guess.
Wonder what a sage would think about this. And your one of them. share me your wisdom pls=)
is addiction\repulsion something we can evade in life, or something we have to cope with?
the US is doing its best to catch up to Australia/ the UK in terms of gambling degeneracy. horrifying to see in real time