"The Muskrat"
Comment on "A Wild, Conspiratorial, Fantastical View of World Politics: Might It Be True?"
By Dr. Lewis Coleman
Note: Dr. Lewis Coleman is one of the Three Sages.
You overlooked DJT's Muskrat buddy [Elong Musk], who is also Jewish, and is who represents the infamous Bloody Shield and its virtually unlimited financial resources.
He seeks to cancel government subsidies for hybrid cars to accelerate the inevitable bankruptcy of the gas buggy manufacturers, the better to enable his/their plan to combine satellite communications with robotic vehicles to monopolize all forms of transportation and communication and create the most totalitarian surveillance system ever imagined.
It may be that there is a dim recognition among disparate elements of the idiotic oligarchy that nobody can afford to purchase cars, housing, food, or the impending flood of ever cheaper and better toys and gadgets that will inevitably flood forth from the computer based industrial revolution that is now well underway if they are not broke or murdered by corrupt medical cartels. The oily central banksters may be at odds with manufacturing interests and Big Pharma, all of whom seek to mulct the public for the sake of profits.
Sociopathy is ultimately self-defeating. There are historical precedents for this predicament, courtesy of Solon of “ancient” Athens, who abolished debt by edict, and the Romans, who created a slave-based paradise of free food, clothing, shelter, and spending money for all Roman citizens that staved off debt-based commercial strangulation from deflationary depression for perhaps 200 years until their greed based empire finally collapsed from within due to corruption and cultural degradation.
The present state of technological advance could never have been achieved without the invention of the printing press and paper money, but the greedy oligarchs may now have painted themselves into a “Catch-22” corner where they must share some-----perhaps all----- of their ill-gotten gains with their victims, or watch their bankster/gangster kingdom implode in the manner of the French Revolution.
The Muskrat has openly predicted a universal basic income, and that is the only solution that I can imagine, but if they step onto that slippery slope they are going to discover that they must return a lot more of their ill-gotten gains to the public in order to sustain commerce than they can possibly imagine. One is reminded of the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” allegory of Goethe’s imagination and Disney fame.
Elon is a misprint for Eloh - (English) "God." We would have to ask the Bat Family about why they got it so wrong, but it may be simply that they had more vulgar pretentiousness than grammatical knowledge of Hebrew or Aramaic.
The takeover of the USA by the global Jewish Mafia has been accomplished.
"Sociopathy is ultimately self-defeating."