This morning Frances Leader published an important article on her substack entitled “NATO Are the New Nazis.” Following is a link along with a comment on the article I posted. This is a crucially important topic in understanding today’s events.
Thank you for all this material Frances. The story of Ukraine is long and complex, indeed going back many centuries, including the old Khazar empire which we all know was the origin of the Ashkenazi Jews. So it also is tied into the tragic modern history of Israel which was created by Russian Ashkenazis sent to Palestine by Stalin after WWII armed with weapons from the Czech factories and manned by terrorists conscripted from the East European refugee camps.
Hitler wanted Ukraine for its grains and minerals so invaded the Soviet Union via that route in 1941. [This was also the route for gaining control of the oil fields in the Caucasus.] The Ukrainians under Bandera, et. al., joined in on the side of Hitler and helped carry out genocide against both Russians and Jews. The Germans refused to allow Bandera to set up his own nation but it still left Ukraine a hotbed of Nazism after the Soviets drove the Germans out. Then after WWII, MI6 and the CIA still tried to create an underground anti-Soviet movement that morphed over time into the Zelensky monstrosity of today, courtesy of US Neocons like Nuland whose husband Kagan has Ukrainian ancestry. I cover much of this in my book "Our Country, Then and Now."
Of course it's been the height of insanity for the British and the US to be poking around in this hornets' nest in Russia's backyard. To stumble into WWIII over Ukraine shows the fundamental dementia of British/US imperialism.
Also see my article appearing on VT Foreign Policy: Ukraine and Israel: Two Stalinist Remnants
This is a warped and misleading summary of Ukrainian history. In between WWI and WWII Stalin came to power in Russia, and he murdered and starved to death countless Ukranian farmers by stealing their grain and selling it abroad to finance his plan to conquer Europe. Meanwhile, Hitler came to power on account of the oppressive Treaty of Versailles that was intended to crush Germany economically and force it into submission to the Anglo-American (Rothschild) Empire after WWI. He tried his best to negotiate a revision of the Treaty of Versailles that would enable Germany to survive as a sovereign country, but to no avail. The Rothschilds were determined to renew the war, so that WWI and WWII were really the same war. The eternal dilemma of Germany was always the threat of a two-front war against both France and Russia at the same time, so Hitler negotiated a treaty with Stalin where they both assured each other that neither of them would go to war with the other, but Stalin betrayed this treaty and with covert support from England and the United States began to mass produce massive amounts of war material, and organize huge armies, all of which was secretly installed in strategic locations that would enable Stalin’s armies to sweep into Europe after France and Germany had fought each other to a standstill. Stalin even allowed German tank divisions to practice their maneuvers secretly on Russian soil. Meanwhile British provocations finally goaded Hitler to attack Poland and France, but in the midst of this endeavor German spies discovered Stalin’s vast preparations to conquer all of Europe and impose communism throughout Europe. Hitler then negotiated a peace treaty with France that created “Vichy France” and withdrew his armies from France and prepared a surprise attack that devastated Stalin’s plans. The German armies destroyed massive quantities of Soviet weapons and devastated the Soviet armies poised on the borders of Europe in preparation for their intended surprise attack. All this is now documented:
The Ukranians welcomed the arrival of the Germans because they hated Stalin with a passion, and that is the source of the Ukrainian “Nazis” to this day.
An excellent overview.