On November 9, 2024, I published an eBook on Global Research entitled, “World War III Is ‘On’ But the Empire Has Already Lost. An American Civil War Looms. Spiritual Transformation Is the Only Way to Prevent Extinction.”
With the start of the Trump administration and the massive attack on the “Swamp” consisting of the Deep State and the Washington, D.C., imperial establishment, we are indeed witnessing the start of “American Civil War II.”
If you doubt that, delve into the organized opposition to the Trump reforms, including his plans to cut back the US military, end the Ukraine War, and establish a new rapprochement with Russia. (What is lacking at present is a coherent plan to confront the “Tribe” and bring peace to the Middle East.) For my analysis of the aims of the opposition and who is behind it, click here.
In any case, the battle lines are now being drawn in a similar manner to what I projected last November. Therefore I am reposting my forecast here. The entire eBook may be accessed on Global Research here.
American Civil War II
Are we in a new American Civil War?….
The conflict appears most clearly in the division between the Democratic and Republican Parties. The differences between the two parties have existed since they were created, dating back to the early 19th century when their modern versions came into existence—the Democrats in 1828 and the Whigs/Republicans around 1840.
The modern Democratic Party was born with the victory of Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828 over incumbent John Quincy Adams, the last president of “The Era of Good Feeling.” The phrase “to the victor go the spoils” was attributed to Jackson and points to the longstanding practice of the Democrats of using the nation’s wealth to create a standing bureaucracy and military to assure its electoral dominance. Of course this is legalized bribery.
The Republicans, by contrast, have been the party of limited government spending and promotion of private sector economic growth. Even when the Republicans created the army needed to win the Civil War, that army was disbanded soon afterwards.
Much later it was the Democrats under Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt who created the massive taxpayer-funded military machines that fought World Wars I and II and, in Roosevelt’s case, the bureaucracies of the alphabet agencies that put much of the nation on the “dole” during the Great Depression.
Andrew Jackson is famous for having destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, which, despite its benefits to oligarchic interests, had become the only engine of national economic development or means of stabilizing the currency that the country possessed in that era.
Jackson moved to sequester federal tax revenues in an “Independent Treasury,” where they were not available for infrastructure projects such as roads and canals under the Whigs’ proposed “American System.” The result of Jackson’s policies, which were carried forward under his successor Martin Van Buren, was the devastating Panic of 1837, known then as “the Great Depression.”
At the same time, Jackson utilized as his personal banker the Rothschilds of London. Under Rothschild agent August Belmont, who emigrated to the U.S. in 1837, the Rothschilds gained a foothold in the New York banking community that they never relinquished.
August Belmont became an immediate success by buying assets for pennies on the dollar during the Panic of 1837. Known as “King of the Money Changers,” Belmont became one of the richest men in America.
The Democrats were the party of slavery and its expansion into the territories, and potentially into Cuba and Latin America, factors which loomed large in the run-up to the Civil War. The Republicans were emphatically the party of free labor.
The Democrats, before the Civil War, were closely allied with the bankers of New York and London and favored low tariffs so they could purchase cheap manufactured goods from England. The Whigs and Republicans favored high tariffs to protect the growth of American domestic industry. This continued until the McKinley Tariff of 1890. By contrast, low tariffs and “free trade” have always been the program of the globalists whose policy is to reduce worker living standards to the lowest possible common denominator—to poverty and starvation if need be.
Such is the case with the Democratic Party today. It is no accident that the Democrats under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have admitted millions of illegal immigrants, with many of those who have jobs working at wage-slave levels, while living in housing subsidized by local Democrat-controlled municipal governments. The crime waves that follow are brushed off by prosecutors elected with money from Soros and his ilk.
By the time of the Civil War in 1861, with Lincoln having been elected to defend the Union, the Rothschild bankers controlled the Democratic Party behind the party chairmanship of August Belmont. Sounds incredible, but look it up; it’s a fact of history conveniently forgotten by the Democrats of today.
Behind Belmont, and behind him the Rothschilds, they ran the disgraced Union General George McLellan against Lincoln in the 1864 election on a platform of compromise with the South but lost decisively. The voters could see the bankers’ snake in the grass.
After the war, the Democrats identified with the aristocrats of the defeated South who regained political power when Reconstruction ended by political compromise in 1876. Democratic senators formed the backbone of the “Solid South” until the election of 1968, when Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” began to build Republican Party strength in Dixie in alliance with Republican conservatives elsewhere in the country.
From Lincoln onward, the Republicans favored nationalistic economic policies, including a high tariff and infrastructure investment, all the way through to the presidency of William McKinley who was assassinated in 1900. The exception to the string of Republican presidencies was that of Democrat Grover Cleveland, a lawyer who had been governor of New York. It was Cleveland who went hat-in-hand to the J.P. Morgan/Rothschild banking syndicate for a bailout in 1893 when the U.S. government faced bankruptcy due to its gold deficit.
As indicated above, the Democrats are the party of unlimited immigration, which in the 19th century swelled the ranks of Democratic voters in cities like New York, Boston, and Chicago, where party machines handed out jobs and welfare benefits in exchange for votes. The same thing was done to get Woodrow Wilson and FDR elected and is happening today with the Democrats having opened the borders to a flood of would-be voters to get Biden and now Kamala Harris elected. In every respect, the Democrats are acting true to form, including their out-of-control spending and their globalist orientation and allegiances.
Above all, the Democratic Party is a front for the billionaires who would destroy our nation for profit. Where do you think their fabulously wealthy donors come from who cover their tracks with “woke” platitudes?
It was a Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, who signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that opened the floodgates to control of U.S. finances by the international banking cartel run out of the City of London. In fact, it was the Rothschilds who actually wrote the Federal Reserve Act. See my book Our Country, Then and Now.
It was FDR who took us into World War II by inducing the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. Prior to both world wars, the Republican Party included a strong anti-war element that was suppressed and vilified. In 1948, the Republican rank-and-file wanted to nominate Senator Robert Taft as president. Taft was a conservative senator who opposed Truman’s National Security State. But the Rockefellers threw their weight to get internationalist Dwight D. Eisenhower nominated and elected instead, so the Cold War moved along without a break.
John F. Kennedy was an economic nationalist who broke the mold of Democratic presidents in 1960. But he was killed by the warmongers who moved ahead with their Vietnam project, followed later by the Neocon takeover under Reagan.
Obviously influences change with the wind, with both political parties implicated in the era of endless wars we are now suffering through, but today there is no question that the Democrats have reverted to historical form by being the party of massive bureaucracies, the suffocating war machine, open borders and immigration without limits, the overwhelming power of the Deep State, censorship, erosion of constitutional rights, unlimited governmental surveillance, and corruption—in short, a continuing criminal enterprise vastly more powerful and dangerous than any we have ever had.
The Democratic Party today is a Mafia gang disguised as a political party. In suppressing freedom of speech, the gang is deeply in cahoots with similar creatures from the U.K. See this. I don’t call it the ANGLO-American-Zionist Empire for nothing.
Image: Tim Walz and Kamala Harris together in March 2024, prior to the start of the Harris 2024 campaign. Walz would go on to become the campaign’s vice presidential candidate. (From the Public Domain)
Heading the Democratic Party are two candidates—Kamala Harris and Timothy Walz—nominated by the leadership clique on the basis of identity politics and who have no qualifications whatsoever to govern a nuclear superpower with the respective arsenals of the U.S. and Russia on hair-trigger alert. To picture two such non-entities at the head of American government is beyond appalling. It points to a nation of criminals, lunatics—and traitors.
The Republicans, by contrast, have nominated for president and vice-president two individuals—former President Donald Trump and Republican Senator J.D. Vance—who are clearly in the tradition of American economic nationalism similar to the Republicans of by-gone days. Now added to their support is another American nationalist—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who has been forced to leave the Democratic Party that nurtured his father and uncle.
It is interesting that the Democrats and their controlled press—led as always by the elitist New York Times—is attacking and ridiculing Trump much as Lincoln was attacked and ridiculed way back when.
Cheerleading the attacks are millions of hangers-on who “work” at all levels of government, at NGOs, for the military, for the Deep State, for “think tanks,” for international institutions, or for “non-profits,” and who think nothing of bleeding taxpayers for the benefit of their own status, aggrandizement, and profiteering.
Indeed, this class pays itself handsomely as it poses as America’s aristocracy.
I add to this list the vast cadres of “work-at-home” employees who have benefited from the tragedies of the COVID pandemic and the “virtual” workplaces appearing on internet platforms conjured up by Silicon Valley. What will become of all these people when someone pulls the plug like Russia is doing to Ukraine’s late, great power grid?
Then there is the mass of civil service, military, and Social Security retirees whose annual COLAs—compounded—are a huge source of inflation and also serve to create a permanent voting bloc to cover Democratic Party grift.
Given all these factors, it is difficult to see how the Republicans will ever win another presidential election, but we shall see. The conflict between the two parties is permanent and endemic. But it is just as difficult to see how a nation governed by grift, backed by a military that has not won an actual war or proxy conflict since Japan surrendered in 1945, can survive in an age when BRICS+ is advancing at breakneck speed to make world commerce its own.
Unfortunately, Donald Trump is, and has always been, a political amateur, which was proven by the ease with which the Deep State manipulated and bamboozled him during his previous presidency. This included being conned by Israel to support moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and Anthony Fauci blithely suckering him into actively promoting the fake pandemic through “Operation Warp Speed,” etc.
J.D. Vance has the potential to become a master politician, but he is just getting started. Kennedy had trouble gaining traction throughout his truncated campaign. His loss of master-politician Dennis Kucinich as campaign manager was an early disaster, and his economic program which embraced Bitcoin as an economic panacea remained anemic.
The opponents of this trio among the Shadow Men and intelligence operatives who now trot Harris-Walz across the stage are consummate professionals at assassination, false flags, and other mayhem and have their long knives at the ready, as already shown by the infamous January 6, 2021, set-up; the July 13 and September 15, 2024, Trump assassination attempts; the current unresolved “lawfare” attacks against Trump by Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, et.al.; and the rigged travesty of the September 10, 2024 Harris/Trump “debate.”
I ended this section of the bBook here. Obviously, since his election and inauguration, President Donald Trump has shown himself to be more than an “amateur.” The same goes for his cadre of expert operatives and advisers who are taking control of the federal government and introducing massive change. It remains to be seen whether Trump can or will deal with the corrosive domestic influence of the “Tribe,” confront Israel and contribute to bringing lasting peace to the Middle East, or implement real transformation of the massively corrupt bank-centered financial system that is really under the control of the globalist financial elite.
Gladly President Trump & his team are surprising us all. I must mention JD Vance, as a British citizen I hadn't heard of him. After hearing him speak at the Munich security conference. I thought he was outstanding, he said what all rational UK & EU citizens, had hoped one of their own politicians would say. But the Globalists have done such a good job in the UK & EU. That 99% of politicians despite being totally unsuitable & unworthy. Have become officials or the so called "opposition" to the current officials. There is of course the odd sprinkling of brave independent from the WEF/Davos vermin decent politicians. But the WEF/Davos controlled main stream media demonize those that have the courage to speak truth & facts. Usually the 1st insult is they're a Putin stooge. The facts of the matter are, if the civilians of a Western countries had any idea of the truth. They'd be absolutely gobsmacked what President Putin has achieved for his country & citizens. They'd soon realise why him & President XI of China, have approval ratings from their citizens. All Western politicians could only dream of. Being British I live in the most censored anti Russian country in the World. Where 99.9% only know what the politicians & lying media have spun about Russia & Putin. None of it based on reality, according to these 99.9% of British citizens, Putin only gets the approval ratings from Russian citizens because they're too scared to not give hi.m their approval. Try telling them the media & citizens in Russia have much more freedom to say what they want. Than they do, they'll label you an idiot brain washed by Russian propaganda. I stopped trying to educate people long before the conflict in Ukraine. It was a complete waste of time, even trying to have a sensible conversation. No matter what has happened in front of their faces. As it is today, I'm relying on the American President & his team. To inform my fellow citizens, but the media in Britain. Is working overtime now, making President Trump Russia gate fantasy. Was a cast iron fact & indeed President Trump works for Russia. That's how obsurd it is in Britain & the EU. Hopefully President Trump & his teams words & policies gain more traction, it's our only hope at this stage.
Is the USA heading for a second Civil War?